
  1. LilFinnGirl

    Who is at the bottom of your flock’s pecking order?

    Post your love here for our more timid girls 🩵 Mine is Sophia, a blue Orpington with a huge comb and shy personality.
  2. ChickenIsRwar

    6 week old Abandoned and the Flock's Punching Bag

    Hello Everyone! I got a 2.5 gen Cochin chick that was abandoned by first time mama 1st gen hen. Since the abandonment, the other chickens (2yr olds (4) and 3 month olds (10)) have set their sights to peck and fight this younger chick. I wanna believe its just a pecking order thing and some...
  3. Ssutor

    Duck pecking order

    Hi everyone, our female duck was getting over mated and getting many eye injuries. Friday night we added two females all a year old, so now we have a ration of 3:1. Our drake is now mating with one of the new females which is great. The other new female keeps swaying her head in a low snake...
  4. Lola1609

    Help! Pecking order or bullying?

    Hi, just looking for some advice (I’ve researched and read up but read contradicting advice on sites), last week I rescued 2 ex-bats and brought them home to my current flock of 2 ex-bats and 1 hand-reared duck. I can section off my enclosure into 2 halves so kept the new girls separate for the...
  5. DanAndQuails

    Help Integrating a Single Chicken

    Last February I was given an Easter egger that was previously being kept with a conure by a former coworker. He gave her to me because he knew I have a four-chicken flock (RIR, Buff Orpington, Jersey Giant, and Silver-laced Wyandotte) as well as some other animals. Just for fun, I included a pic...
  6. athenasnow

    Missing feathers

    Hi, I've heard a rooster can pick a "favorite" hen and that hen can get overly picked on. Noticed this bald patch on one of my girls. Is this a chicken saddle problem? Sorry for the blurry quality. She didn't want to sit still and pose for the pic. Thanks! Athena
  7. M

    My barred rock is getting bullied help!?!?

    My 21 week old barred rock has been with my main flock of 5 RIR and white rocks for about two weeks now. She's the last one of the batch we purchased in the summer and my old hens have been giving me and my barred a hard time integrating her. They chase her, and I mean full sprint at her from...
  8. M

    20 week old pullet integration

    I have a 20 week old pullet that I've been integrating into my flock of 5 RIR and white rocks. My question is why does the pullet run away from them instead of submitting to the old girls? I've had birds That i integrated before that would squat to the older ones. When the pullet goes up to...
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