
  1. choppedliver

    Loud rooster control experiment

    So my rooster crows all day every day. Super loud and annoying. Today i tossed the flock some sourdough pieces of bread and since then he’s been pretty quiet all day. Like, insanely quiet compared to his usual behavior. I have to pick up more bread but if anyone out there has some left over...
  2. DiYMama540

    This is what it's all about...

    This is my tiny slice of heaven on earth. A place of absolute peace and serenity for me. Can't express how just a few minutes of quiet time by the *clean* duck pool really helps to calm and recenter myself during a stressful day. This is what keeping the birds is all about for me.
  3. Celestx

    My Lola.

    Lola was my first hen, I bought her with two other hens on the third of March 2017. Today she sadly passed away, I found her beak inside a water bowl. I want to share with everyone here her life story. Many may thing “oh she’s just a chicken” but she was a therapy chicken to me, and if she ever...
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