panting chicken

  1. BerthaBoo

    Sick pullet - heavy panting??

    I have a pullet (20 weeks old) not laying yet, been panting very heavily for 2 or 3 days now. It’s not hot here so I don’t think it’s heat stroke. Her poops are normal, crop and body feels normal? No eye swelling or anything weird. Her comb flushes really red and then goes back pale, but she’s...
  2. yesking808


    i know i usually don’t post on here often, but i need everyone’s help. as of today my chicken is panting. i know people say make sure there coop is well ventilated, fresh cold water and what not and more. my chicken has all of the above. and as i make this post, it is somewhat windy. i am also...
  3. ryansmom06

    My 1 year old hen is acting strange.

    I have a 1 year old Buff Orpington hen that is acting strangely, she is panting and clicking in a way that sounds like a goose, she has an abnormally large belly, I have tried to drain it but nothing comes out but digesting food, she is a chicken that is usually heavy, but is extremely light...
  4. A


    New chicken moma here! 👋 I hatched my own flock of Salmon Favorelles they were 6 mths on the 4th. Yesterday I got my first 2 eggs. I live in SC. Yesterday temps were in the mid 80’s. I noticed like 3 of my girls panting. They are all acting completely normal I just don’t like it. I have a shade...
  5. S

    Hen Lethargic and panting

    Hi friends! Hoping you can help me diagnose my beloved backyard pet's illness. For the last week, I've noticed she's been sitting by herself, facing away, and thought it strange...but she looks perfectly fine. Red comb, nice feathers, clean butt, bright eyes. She makes it up to her perch in the...
  6. Sparrow-Song

    Sick hen- Poopy butt, irregular stool, panting, lethargic

    Ok, so I said that my next post would be introducing my flock, and I got so many positive responses so I’m really excited to get around to that, but unfortunately it’s been delayed a while and in the meantime I have a hen that needs help… I am hoping that someone on here will have some idea...
  7. TundraFang

    Silkie chick with labored breathing

    I have five Silkie chicks in a brooder. The bedding is pine shavings and they have a heat plate with easy access to food and water. I was outside doing chicken chores and came inside to one of the chicks lying down beside the heat plate panting. The other chicks are fine and moving around. I...
  8. The_Chicken_Tender

    Rooster wheezing - any advice???

    I posted something a couple days ago about how our rooster was vomiting. I haven't seen him do that recently, but a few days ago I noticed that, after running, he seemed to be wheezing. After a minute or two, it would stop, but he has been doing this for a few days and I'm wondering what it...
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