open coop

  1. L

    Open Coop Days in Minnesota

    Hello, I’ve seen flock stop bys on the old/original forum, and that's how my mother got me my former Seramas. While my mother gets the fun of working with with the birds I work on the website and try to keep record of everyone away from home. I didn't see the original forum question and answer...
  2. R

    Combined open-air coop and run

    I don't have chickens yet but I'm planning for them. It's very hot in the Dallas area, so I want to do an open-air design. A lot of people recommend 4 sq. feet per bird in the coop and 10 sq. feet in the run. But what if your run and coop are combined in an open-air design? For instance, I'm...
  3. Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    I have been doing a lot of research here in BYC about building this Woods' house. Probably the best article (so far) is by Howard E. When searching for articles, use the TAG option of search. For search terms, type "woods" or "open"; you can select terms like woods coop, woods house, or open air...
  4. RollTideChicken

    Open Coop? Advice Needed

    My plan is to buy a 10x20x6 chainlink kennel. The length will face East and West. I was thinking about walling/covering the West end and also the North and South sides on that end. This would leave the East side of the covered area (or coop) open. The top of the entire kennel will be fenced for...
  5. igorsMistress

    Open front coop done, chicken yard in progress

    Coop is 6x12. Nest boxes and roost are going in today. Open front faces south. The roof is white corrugated roofing over plywood. It's up on blocks so the wood doesn't rot with deep litter. Theres 1/4" hardware cloth over vents and 1/2" across the front. Not sure if I should paint the interior...
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