open air coop

  1. FunClucks

    Chain Link Dog Kennel to Ft Knox Covered Open-Air Coop/Run Combo - Build Suggestions?

    Folks, the search function on this site is failing me. Most of what I can find folks using chain link dog kennels for is moderate security daytime runs. Which is great, but I need to build a top security, fully predator proof Ft. Knox open air covered coop/run. I'm having trouble finding...
  2. Melko

    Hot weather Coop design - Is this enough ventilation?

    Hi, newcomer to the forums. Read a lot but never posted! Preface: I live in a very hot climate, it's winter now and it's ~25C. Midday summer (especially July-August) it easily goes up to 45C. I intend to keep 10 chickens in this coop, and will build an attached run for it after I finish setting...
  3. Camp Cockerel

    Camp Cockerel

    Those of us who hatch often have spare boys who need to be gotten out of the main flock because they're bothering the hens and annoying the Flockmaster rooster, I thought this quick-and-dirty build could be useful to others. Important Note: This is a medium-security holding facility for...
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  5. Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    Woods Open Air Coop. Scaled to 6x10

    I have been doing a lot of research here in BYC about building this Woods' house. Probably the best article (so far) is by Howard E. When searching for articles, use the TAG option of search. For search terms, type "woods" or "open"; you can select terms like woods coop, woods house, or open air...
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    Coop interior
  8. La Coupè

    La Coupè

    I have to give all credit for inspiration to this build to @WthrLady with the Ooodalolly at DunRovin Station build. I even bought the book that was recommended, Fresh Air Poultry Houses: I have four ISA brown...
  9. Missceegee

    Large Open Coop with Covered Run Design & Build with Costs and Pics

    Today we began building what I’ve currently named The Egg McMansion. I reserve the right to rename it later. 😜 PLANS or rather random notes It’s Florida so it’s hot and humid a lot of the year and quite wet at times. My Cluck Wagon mobile coop is not working as planned so I’m switching to a...
  10. 8' x 16' Woods Open Air Coop

    8' x 16' Woods Open Air Coop

    Our coop is based on the K.D. Woods design.
  11. T

    Chicken coop setup opinions needed

    Hello!! I had a local guy I found on Facebook build a chicken coop for me for my 4 chicks who are still living in the brooder. It was just delivered yesterday. Curious as to the set up inside the coop. I have attached pictures. It’s an open air style coop which I believe should be fine since I...
  12. Custom Shade Screens

    Custom Shade Screens

    We have a mini coop that we brood chicks in and plan to modify for possible broodies at some point. Our yard gets quite a bit of sun which shines through the front of this coop during certain times of the year. Eventually a tree in the front yard will be large enough to help with this. Until...
  13. A Desert Oasis Updated 03/2024

    A Desert Oasis Updated 03/2024

    We live in the desert which means hot temps, frequent wind and the occasional haboob in summer, then we freeze in winter. So when planning our coop we realized we needed versatility. Not only did we need lots of air flow, we also needed simple options to provide shade or button it up tight as...
  14. brendave

    My 6x10 Woods Coop

    My DH surprised me for my birthday last April with a chicken coop bought from Sam's Club and an order for 3 chicks from a hatchery. I have always wanted chickens but I until recently, couldn't have them. We had moved from a neighborhood that didn't allow chickens to 5 acres and I had talked...
  15. B

    Lime whitewash

    so ive decided to go the lime option. Since my first coat is so sloppy, is it ok to do a second coat? Will it wash off the first?? Thank you!
  16. Rob Reintjes

    Woods Style Open air coop - Operating Instructions??

    HI folks, I finally finished my 8' x12' ft Woods Style Open air coop and will post construction photos FYI soon. In the meanwhile, I am looking for guidelines from other owners of Woods Coops regarding when to open / close various combinations of windows. I have a pair of "hand crank" monitor...
  17. Ms Biddy's Upcycled Swingset Coop

    Ms Biddy's Upcycled Swingset Coop

    Years ago, I helped my uncle put together a wooden swingset for my aunt. It was a place to sit together, relax and laugh. We enjoyed it for over a decade until time and the elements took their toll and the thinner boards on the seats began to rot and crack. My aunt and uncle aren't with us...
  18. Rachealx4

    My Coop; A Process

    Ok guys, I am so stinking excited I just have to share! :weePlus, maybe it will help someone out. :D I decided to build my coop rather than buy one. I have never built anything bigger than a small birdhouse in my life... and that was a kit! My brother-in-law helped me build the floor and my dad...
  19. My Positive Local Action Coop

    My Positive Local Action Coop

    While I had admired my sister's chickens and considered having backyard chickens of my own for years, I never had a good idea as to where in our yard might work for a coop. Then last November, as my husband and I were covering our fenced garden area with black plastic for the winter, I suddenly...
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