old wives tale

  1. Rapp7

    Sexing eggs and wives tales? 🤔 pure bred hens crossed with buff Orpington rooster results? 🤔 Incubator brand review? 🤔 I got some answers! 😆

    I decided to try to hatch my own chickens and because I put a lot of factors into this hatch and I feel I could help others with questions concerning a hatch. I am by no means suggesting I’m a pro now 😂 BUT I went into this a complete newbie! Prior to incubation I researched sexing eggs, sex...
  2. C

    Comb to gender theory accuracy?

    I’m hearing that as far as the pea comb goes 3 means a male and one means female has that been accurate for you? Has anyone noticed what they thought was a pullet develop a 3 row pea comb and turn out to be a male or still female? Also with tail feather developing later has then been accurate...
  3. CapricornFarm

    Myth Busters, BYC style

    Ok, i keep hearing a lot of things that i consider false being perpetuated. Lets see if we can confirm or bust some myths. All BYC rules must be adhered to. No bickering. State your opinion, and provide evidence if possible. Remember, family friendly site.
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