old chicken

  1. Quailobsessed

    Old hen with vision loss and cloudy eye

    I haven't been on this site for a while but I have been wanting to hear some advice about my chicken with an eye issue. This is Gertrude, my 12 year old hen. Despite her age she is quite agile and healthy. However she has some vision loss, particularly in her left eye, which looks cloudy. She...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Is it normal for older hens to take longer breaks?

    My RIR hybrid is 2 months shy of 4 y/o. She's always been productive layer. This past fall/winter she took a normal molting break, then started up laying again end of jan/early Feb. She went from laying every other day to two days on/one day off. Then, over the last week she went back down to...
  3. 25943A87-C32C-495C-BC96-AE055FA28FDE.jpeg


    Eight year old Easter Egger, named Chirp.
  4. The chicken nurd

    Need some advice on an older chicken

    This morning I noticed my oldest hen Brownie who is 10 years old has a cataract in one eye and maybe something forming in her other eye otherwise she seems happy and healthy and neither eye seems infected but she is definitely not keeping up with the younger birds in my flock the way she used to...
  5. The chicken nurd

    How old was your oldest chicken

    I’m just curious about this especially since I’ve seen a lot of people on here with birds that are in there teens so who was or is your oldest chicken My oldest hen will turn ten this spring she’s an EE that I got as a day old chick in 2012 Here’s a picture of her I took last summer
  6. Amy_thechickenlady

    My old lady hen is slowly dying

    Hi everyone! I am normally not a poster, more of a reader of posts and comments to get answers to all my strange chicken questions. But my almost 11 year old hen, Nugget needs a community. I raised Nugget, a gold sex link from a chick and she was part of my original backyard flock of 4. All...
  7. The chicken nurd

    Tribute to my old hen

    This is just a quick post I wanted to make as a tribute to my 9 1/2 year old hen who passed away last night her name was beauty and she was a Delaware I’d gotten her as a chick in 2012 with 2 other chicks She outlived all of my first 7 chicks except her sister and she still gave me eggs up until...
  8. Thunder344

    How to Take Care of a Blind Chicken ?

    Three days ago I noticed that my oldest hen named Brownie wouldn't/couldn't get out of the coop. She wouldn't use her legs. I thought she was dying (she just turned 9) and made her as comfortable as possible. Yesterday (day 3, stupid me) I checked her feet and it looks like bumblefoot. I need...
  9. SirTeletoll

    Rooster and hen in love.

    So I have a 7 years old rooster who's been getting weaker and has a harder time getting around. I also have a 6 years old hen who has been with my rooster for at least 5 years and always liked to stay close to my rooster. I used to have a flock of 6 hens(including this one) and my rooster and...
  10. Lovem all

    Mucus coming out of vent

    Hi, I have a ten year old barred rock hen named combs. It has been months since the last time she layed, and the last time she became egg bound. Yesterday she spent most of her morning in the egg box but seemed fine and left without laying. When I went to feed the chickens dinner I found her in...
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