oil gland swollen

  1. ElGoose

    Horrible wet feather and possible swollen gland?

    Not really sure what to do, one of our geese has developed horrible wet feather and no matter what we do it just gets worse 😢 I’ve attempted to clean her in the bath today and it looks like the oil gland might be swollen? I’m not really sure, it still feels a bit oily but the wet feather has...
  2. S

    Ayam cemani rooster with black oil?

    Recently I noticed my ayam cemani's rooster had an obviously noticeable red swollen oil gland so my fiance carefully and gently rubbed/squeezed his oil gland to see if anything unusual came out. What came out was this really Chucky/thick/dark black substance. Is that normal for an ayam cemani...
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