
  1. the_peanut_coop

    Art-Tober 2022 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Hello people! Welcome to October. One of the best months of the year. The weather feels so nice, doesn't it? (unless it doesn't) So What I'm thinking we could do here is a creative challenge called Inktober. Except not everyone has access to inking pens and stuff, So I thought we could do...
  2. Muscovy Wunda

    October-hatch-along 2019

    Hey all! So I can't believe no ones started this thread yet so I thought I would! I know the northern hemispheres heading into Autumn/fall/winter so things are getting quiter on the hatch front, but there's surely plenty of us southerners heading into spring to hatch!
  3. Fanci Feathers Marans

    October Hatch-A-Long 2017

    Gathering eggs for hatching this week! Anyone else going to hatch fall chicks? I can't wait to see those little balls of fluff!
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