
  1. PioneerChicks

    Any 2022 NaNoWriMo writers?

    This is my first year doing NaNoWriMo and I'm super excited! :celebrate Any other BYCers doing it this year? For those who don't know, National Novel Writing Month is where you write 50,000 words in a book in the month of November.
  2. Rondack

    Chicks ordered in march, delivered in AUGust, and now....

    16 chicks, came early august, how long do you think they will still need a heat lamp. (keeping in mind October/November upstate NY temperatures, despite an insulated coop).
  3. Quail_Kid

    Quail Hatch-A-Long

    Time For A Quail Hatch-A-Long! 1. Put your eggs in the incubator on Tuesday 10/29/19 2. If you have any other species (chickens,ducks,turkeys,etc.) then put them in the incubator to match up with Sunday 11/17/19 (the hatch day) 3. Have fun!!!:thumbsup see the notes...
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