no eggs for a week

  1. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
  2. Petfriendlyemi


    Hello BYC community! I have been getting ZERO eggs lately and I know all of my 12 girls can lay. Only a few of the older girls are molted but I think they're done with that by now. We did have their old coop removed a few days ago when we finished their new coop, but they were laying in a...
  3. LouisChickon

    Goose laid 1 soft egg then stopped

    Hello, My goose laid her first soft egg on 10/26/23 and I have not seen an egg since. They are at the pond most of the day and locked in their pin at night. I have looked around the yard/pond and cannot find any evidence of a 2nd egg being laid. These are my first geese and not sure when to get...
  4. Rose the Legbar

    Hens stopped laying?

    It’s been about a week now that my 1 year old hens have stopped laying. I gave them dewormer about a week ago and I also took up a quarter of their run space and started letting my chicks outside to try and start integrating them. Two days after the dewormer one of my birds gave me a egg but now...
  5. M

    My hen is walking like a penguin

    My hen has been walking like a penguin for the past week and hasn’t layed an egg in over 4 days I’ve been giving he warm baths and just check her vet for a stuck egg I don’t feel anything she is eating normally and pooping normally what is wrong with her?
  6. B

    Immaginary Eggs

    Hello everyone, New member here coming from continental Europe and looking for some advice. On my ranch I have one Marans and one Bresse flock as well as some Ducks and Geese. Unfortunately, I have a problem with one on my oldest chickens/hens in the Marans flock. This hen is "experienced and...
  7. Thorleifur

    Watery Crop, Watery Poos, Laying Issues

    My hen is 7 months old, has been laying since 5 months (only taking a day or two off on rare occasion). She has not laid for two days and has been having watery poos. Sometimes no solids, all clear liquid. Today I noticed she was drinking excessive amounts of water which has made her crop...
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