new year

  1. Hei Hei

    **~*New Year Contest!!! Dont miss out!*~**

    I know, I know, you are probably wondering why you would participate in such a dumb contest. But I am mailing acutal prizes. This can include a number of things. But what is the contest about? Include a picture of your prettiest, sassiest, and craziest birds. There will be prizes for each of...
  2. ShrekDawg

    In 2020 I’ll...

    So @muddy75 had a great idea over on the quail thread for a new game and it is hilarious but I figured I would make a new thread so can continue without completely taking over :lau So you might have guessed from the title but the game is that you type in “In 2020 I’ll” or “In 2020 I will” and...
  3. Cyprus

    What are your plans for the new year?

    In 2019, what are you looking for with your flock or future flock? What are your poultry resolutions? Are you planning to finally do that thing to your coop that you said you'd do two years ago? Adding a run? New lights? Better ventilation? Or maybe you're planning on getting new breeds, or...
  4. BYCforlife

    How Busy Are You This Spring/Summer?

    Hello everybody! I just wanted to ask a random question, so I think I'm in the right category here. :D How busy are you this year? Any new additions to your flock/herd? :D I am really exited to be getting day olds again. Isn't it so much fun to have little fluff balls running around at top...
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