new chicken coop

  1. P

    New Chicken Mom!! Raising Native Chickens in Philippines

    Hi everyone!! I’m so pleased to have found this community! I recently moved home to the Philippines and my family got chickens, I’m hoping to learn more from you guys here and to share my journey of raising these cute creatures. Looking forward to hearing from y’all! -Amira (PhilChicken)
  2. chickenchicklady

    Negative temps in uninsulated chicken coop

    Hello friends! We have negative temperatures coming, and a couple days next week are going to be -15 with single digits of the high reaching up to 6°. We have recently built a new coop however, it is not insulated yet. Do I need to put a heat lamp or a small heater in there during those nights...
  3. The Inspired Mom

    Our NEW Coop Build Coming along;) (thanks to Carolina coop ideas)

    My husband is awesome! Just sayin’😉 I’ve wanted chickens for many years. Have magazines from 10 years ago when I first started dreaming of having our own chicks but with remodeling old home then buying this home & remodeling more over last 7 years we just haven’t had time and honestly space in...
  4. mandymcg05

    Coop In Progress- All suggestions welcome! But be NICE! Lol

    Alright. So some of you may remember my water fiasco in the original coop my husband and I built about two weeks ago. Our pallet built coop was found with standing water after a couple days of heavy storms. So... hubby and I panicked. Bought a ton of wood. And started building. Keep in mind, we...
  5. Woodwivesjournal

    New chicken owners

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes these are our first chicken and chicken coop (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 4 chickens, Susie Q, Barbie Q, Red, and Midnight (3) What breeds do you have? Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Ostralorp. (4) How did...
  6. EggMan207

    Integration idea/question: new girls, and new coop

    So, I have 8 existing girls in a coop/run. I bought 8 more that are 6 weeks. I also bought a new coop. The last integration I did was really rough/violent. So, I had an idea. What if, I put the new girls in the new coop until the are 14-16 weeks by themselves. Then, integrate the older ones 2...
  7. Bagdad Chicken Mom

    My New 2017 "Girls"-Hens

    Love my new 2017 "girls"- Americana hens, Barred Rock hens, & Golden Comet hens! Started with 10 of each breed. Placed them into the new chicken coop at about 2 months old & a predator got 5 Golden Comets. I fought back against the predators and I had my husband put my blue tin all the way...
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