new at raising ducks

  1. Mommarunyon

    A word of advice for first time feather parents or anyone unfamiliar with feed!

    I am sharing my story of stupidity in hopes of preventing another senseless tragedy from occurring in another coop. Backround: Recently my small farm decided to start supporting small family owned companies over large box stores. In doing this we choose to purchase feed from a local feed store...
  2. Solemn Opossum

    Runner Duckling with Severe Corkscrew Neck (wry neck?) and Shriveled Foot

    (First paragraph is about hatching process of all the eggs, second paragraph talks about the duckling in need) So, I ordered my duck eggs from Metzer farms (First time hatching or owning ducks) on July 1st and received them late on July 6th or 7th. On Monday, August 3rd (about 28 days), most of...
  3. karenmragan

    Are Pekins Supposed to Be THIS Lazy?

    Hello everyone! I got my first ducks this year. Ten hatchery assortment straight run. I think I got 5 rouens and 5 pekins. They are now one month old. They have all been eating the same food and everything, but I noticed the Pekins have put on a lot of fat. Given the opportunity to forage, they...
  4. J

    Pekin ducklings - head looks strange ??

    Hi there, I am raising 4 ducklings that I got at a local feed store. I believe 2 are khaki Campbell and 2 are pekin. I’ve had them almost 2 weeks now, assuming they were a couple days old at the feed store but no idea. I am curious on the look of the Pekins... they were normal fluffy yellow...
  5. EmilyH419

    Newbie Duck Owner

    Hi All, I’m a new member who joined at the end of 2018, so I’m finally introducing myself! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I don’t actually have chickens. I’m a new duck owner as of October 2018. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 New Duck...
  6. My Last Minute Peeper Palace

    My Last Minute Peeper Palace

    In May of 2018 I took a trip to Rural King with my family. Little did I know this trip would bring so much joy to my life. Every time I go here I always find myself at the brooders full of baby chicks. This time, the little peeps sounded different. Upon looking in I found the cutest little...
  7. CLovesDucks

    Soon-to-Be (Hopefully) Duck Mom

    Hello BYC Community! I received my first round of duck eggs as an early Christmas present this year. I grew up in the mountains of Virginia and I've always wanted my own little duck family. This year, Santa surprised me with my very own duck eggs (5 mallard, 5 runner). I had to toss one already...
  8. Ronya76

    I’m new here! I have 10 chicks and 2 ducks! I’d love some info!

    So I went to Tractor Supply and got 6 chicks- correction- my kids went to Tarctor supply and bought 6 chicks.. 2 days later I went in for something and came home with 2 “supposedly” Pekin ducklings. Two days later I was in again because my sons chick died and so we bought 4 more and they threw...
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