need help & advice

  1. G

    New and Need help!

    Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and...
  2. 1

    Injured Duck, Need Help

    I came across my duck laying down, barely able to move this morning. He is unable to stand or move much and it appears that he is unable to open his bill on his own. He has been cheeping constantly. I do not see any physical injures but am new to ducks. I did check the band on his leg but it’s...
  3. Awrenina

    Help! I have a hen who is being aggressive to one of my favorite hens, they were raised together!

    Hello! I am having issues with 2 of my hens. 1 of them, Rosie my Blue Ameraucana (who is my favorite) and the other, Pyrrha, an Easter Egger. Pyrrha has always been at the bottom of the pecking order that I've seen and Rosie was above her, (not sure exactly where on the pecking order). I have a...
  4. B

    Is this Coccidious in my chicks?

    Hello! I’m always trying to be aware and on top of if my flock has anything wrong with them. And thank the LORD Jesus, that He has kept them safe from all and has healed a bad case of bumble foot! So, I’m trying to determine if one of my chicks may have coccidiosis or just stressed. She was...
  5. L

    Help! Hen is still sick and I’m out of ideas!

    My 3 yr old hen has been I’ll for the past week. She was barely moving, walking like a penguin. So I brought her inside and gave her an epsom salt soak. No egg. Then noticed she has horrible smelling poops and keeps getting it all over her butt. I couldn’t find a vet to see her so I got advice...
  6. R

    New Chicken with Swollen Ankle & Leg. Bumblefoot or not?

    Hey BYC, My husband and I adopted 3 hens today. They all look healthy, are eating, and are adjusting to our backyard (separate from our existing flock of 11) just fine. The problem is that one of the girls we adopted seems to have a serious foot problem. The people we adopted her from said...
  7. B

    Rooster has had sudden change.

    I have a rooster thats not even a year old. We have 2 total and one of them was killed by a possum and raccoon and since he wouldn't leave the hen house. The other day he did get out and flew the fence and now is just standing with his head down and tail down. Not responding much to noise. What...
  8. Marty_n_bb

    Should i be worried?

    Hello! I am a new duck owner. Over the pandemic me and my wife decide to get pet ducks. We got two from the local farm store, hoping both were females, but to our suprise we got one male ancona (marty) and one female cyuga (Bernadette). The males aggression made us worry after the first year or...
  9. B

    Need help regarding lonely chick

    So after a series of unfortunate events, I had to bring a chick away from its mother and bring it inside with me. The chick was the only one to hatch from that nest, and no other eggs are close to hatching yet. The chick has a bald spot on its back where the mother kept pecking it and appears to...
  10. Tgodfrey

    Chinese goose

    I have a Chinese goose she was the only that hatched so I raised her with a baby chick they where best friends with the lil chick got to close to my dogs that are chained up in the yard (they are house dogs but I have to chain them up because they will ran off when they are in the yard ) will...
  11. PistolHollidayIV

    when should i worry about my new chicks?

    so I was recently given two chicks from my neighbors to add to my flock, they seem about 7 or 8 weeks old so I know they're okay outside but my 3 BR and 2 RIR seem to be bullying my little white one. When should I draw the line? Cayse they're already pulling tail feathers and it's barely day...
  12. O

    Duck got attacked: please help!

    The other night something got to the ducks and one passed away and the other has been severely injured. We were shocked that she lived through it. It has been a couple of days and we have been spraying the wound to help with healing as well as giving electrolytes and probiotic packets in her...
  13. Q


    I have a male duck and as of recently within his quacks sometimes my duck quacks loudly normal but the last quack is like he makes like a scream sound and I don’t know if that’s normal or that means something so (quack quack, quack quack, EEEEEee).
  14. NubbyRyuu

    Pepper Could Use Some Help

    So around 3pm est today, I noticed Pepper's crop hadn't gone down. I was gonna feed her when I saw hoe big and felt how hard it was, like a rock. I got her to drink water and massage her crop, but after a couple hours on and off, it's very slowly gone down. The weird part is this strange...
  15. Ren-Sin

    Quail injury, possible infection, don't know what it is or how to help.

    So these are technically my mum's quail, but my younger brother and I look after them the most. The one I need help with may need putting down, so I wanted to see if their is anything I could do for her before I take her. And please keep in mind that I've only just managed to not only get my...
  16. F

    Possible sick baby quail?? Help please!

    My baby quail was tiny and weak the moment i got him. (bought him and his sister from wilco) i was scared he wasn’t going to make it but he got stronger day by day and started growing very slowly. he has always been smaller than his sister and has noticeably messier feathers than her. I believe...
  17. C

    I need help badly

    My mother and I went to an Asian market we’ve been going to forever we bought eggs from them and I had a feeling that I should candle light them when I got into the car and we were about a 20 minute drive away at this point and I was just thinking let me just humor myself they seemed fertilized...
  18. I

    What do I do with my chicken having a broken foot/toe?

    I'm not sure what to do but my 6/7 month old pullet or hen has a broken foot/toe by one of the roosters trying to get on her (because of mating..) and I need some help. I have no idea what do and she is being picked on. Her name is Snow and she is a Buff Orpington.
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