mystery illness

  1. JennieLamb

    Newly hatched poults can't stand, has floppy neck.

    HELP! We had 6 poults hatch out of 14 eggs, 2 died with in 90 min and 2 others can't seem to stand up. They keep shooting their legs strait out and pushing themselves along the bottom of the brooder on their sides. Their heads seem a little floppy too. I looked up wry neck and this doesn't seem...
  2. A

    Help! Lost two hens from what seems to be the same illness and concerned it is something spreading through flock!

    We've lost two hens (Constance and Louisa) a week apart from what seems to be the same ailment. I'm trying to figure out what the cause might be. I would appreciate any ideas or guidance here so I don't lose any more birds. 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel...
  3. ScratchScratchPeck

    Foamy poop, losing weight, at a loss.

    I've come to this site a few weeks ago in regards to my top hen Sadie. She had signs of vent gleet and was expelling many lash eggs, and I was suggested nystatin, monistat, and an antibiotic (I chose amoxicillin) for the two conditions. Before all that i treated with Corrid, thinking it was...
  4. PileatedFarms

    Patricia the sad Wyandotte

    Patricia is a Wyandotte just over a year old. We saved her from a not great living situation in June where her issue had developed and now has set in. She is losing feathers, but definitely not molting as there are no follicles left on the skin. It's just seems to be bare skin below. And the...
  5. I

    Urgent Please Help! My pullet had mites now her eyes are closing what could this be?

    My pullet was sitting on eggs and she got might so we needed to take care of it before she hatched the eggs and we started to dust her and use all the mite sprays and stuff the mites went away but left her with crusty eyes and then they started closing up please help!
  6. TundraFang

    Chicks suddenly dying

    So I had six Silkie chicks and they've had pasty but that won't go away. I've switched their food, given nutri-drench, and even fed them mash but nothing works. They show no other symptoms until right before they die. They start gasping for breath and eventually pass out and die. This happens...
  7. J

    Mystery illness causing weight loss

    I've been concerned about my girl Ames since March. She's a Buff Orpington, just turned 2. I noticed her sitting down a lot more than the others a few months ago. I found a lash egg in the coop in April, then took her to the vet. After suspecting some kind of infection, she went on a course of...
  8. M

    Chicken shaking head? Mystery symptoms?

    About a month ago, we lost a chicken to a mystery illness - scans revealed an enormous, possibly malignant tumor on which the vet could not operate, so we had to put her down. We now have another chicken with the same exact symptoms - she's lethargic, she's lost interest in things she loves, she...
  9. M

    Lethargic, possibly dying Andalusian - not eating or drinking

    Hello! One of our Andalusians is badly sick, but we don't know what's wrong. She has an appointment at an animal hospital tomorrow morning and, if possible, I'd like to keep her alive until then. She's been lethargic for about a week, and it's only gotten worse over time. She eats and drinks...
  10. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    SOS! Hen Suddenly Lethargic

    This morning my normally bossy, loudmouthed, super hungry, energetic hen (who happens to be the boss of the flock) was standing very still with pale combs and wattles. She wasn't interested in me coming out which was a red flag, nor was she responsive to treats--another HUGE red flag. Just last...
  11. 3

    Mystery Diagnosis: Chicken Edition - HELP ! ! !

    Greetings Backyard Chickens Community, This is my first time posting on here and reaching out directly for help, though I’ve read dozens of threads over the past little over a year of keeping hens in our small suburban backyard and all the minor follies that have accompanied that endeavor. I’m...
  12. J

    Sick chicken, shaking head and withdrawn

    Hello! I am not sure if anyone can shed some light on the subject as the vet was none the wiser. My chicken Hilda is lethargic and withdrawn, and shaking head often. Stands in one place most of the day not moving much. Crop and wattle Is still very red, as is face- which is odd. Currently on 10...
  13. Leihamarie

    Not Mareks?!?!?!?! What could it have been?

    Hi all, So this is an odd result I received yesterday on some blood tests I had done on my flock. This is not an emergency, I have no sick birds but I want to get your opinion/experience in what this could have been. I had what I thought was Marek's disease take my whole flock over the...
  14. K

    Sick Chicken - Seems to be paralyzed

    About 6 weeks ago, our relatively young Crested Cream Legbar (old enough for the coop but not laying yet) looked like she had an injured wing. She was dragging it on the ground and didn't seem to be able to move it. We tried wrapping it, but she kept managing to get it undone. About a week...
  15. Susie Seagrave

    5 Week-old Chicks - Blood in Poo

    URGENT I have just a few birds - members of the family, of course! I wanted to get a few more, so less than a week ago, I bought 3 female chicks, all about a month old. I do not know the flock they came from, as I purchased them from the only feed supplier in my area. After two days, I noticed...
  16. MountainWoman73

    3-week BCM mystery death

    Hey all, Yesterday I bought a 3-week old blue copper marans chick from a woman who raises show birds. I probably paid more than I should have. I noticed a little lethargy when I first put her in the brooder with the other chicks (2 new with her and 4 chicks I had already). She was standing...
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