
  1. S

    Mycroplasma Chickens

    I believe my chickens have Mycroplasma due to infected birds coming into my flock of three. i managed to keep on top of it with antibiotics whenever some showed symptoms. Sadly I lost one as she went off her legs probably last year. One of my remaining two who often has bouts but is quickly...
  2. S


    Very long story. BIT OF BACKGROUND STORY- Back in the summer last year I purchased two new hens to go with my flock from the breeder I got my original three from. All seemed fine, after a week one of the two new ones became seriously unwell. Runny nose. Lethargic and a weird mucus coming out...
  3. B

    Help! I dont know what to do at all.

    Hi I am a first time chicken owner and I originally got a bunch of different chickens from different places without realizing that there are sicknesses that chickens can carry into your flock and I have two chickens that are completely fine one chicken that has bubbles in his eye, one chicken...
  4. A

    Mycroplasma - what would you do?

    I have some sick chickens on my hands and am looking for advice. I purchased 3 pullets from a local hatchery about a month and a half ago that I believe have been sick since I got them. I kept them separate from my existing flock, in a large brooder in my garage, due to their size difference...
  5. aquaponics3712

    mycroplasmosis - EMERGENCY

    Does Di-Methox work for mycroplasmosis? I have some of that and I have tried to order Tylan but they don't sell that over the counter anymore. I need to treat asap as 2 chickens have died over night. Thank you for your help!
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