
  1. HannahGillie

    Respiratory disease, Denagard/Tiagard and medicated feed questions

    Hi all, I have three 10-week old cochin bantams that are having some respiratory problems. They are all sneezing, and one has a slightly swollen face. They are still eating and drinking well. I have been giving them VetRx, Rooster Booster, and Spring Chicken Wellness Brew in their water each...
  2. EmilyAlamano

    Managing flock, mycoplasma and bringing in new roosters

    Our flock has what our vet says seems like mycoplasma but it hasn’t been confirmed by testing post mortem. He gave us Tylan and we put whole flock on it for 6 days, but moving forward we don’t want to continue giving antibiotics to our flock now that we understand it can lead to spiraling flock...
  3. L

    Hen with one eye closed, lethargic

    Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old golden laced Wyandotte named Ruthie. Yesterday morning I went in to scoop poop and noticed she hadn’t come down from her roost. Her bum had a bit of droppings on it (not normal for her), and the droppings underneath her were quite watery and slightly yellow. Up...
  4. Chicken Respiratory Preparedness

    Chicken Respiratory Preparedness

    When I got chickens no one I knew had the knowledge I have now and I didn’t know about BYC. This community has been invaluable to me. I’ve been through a lot of chicken crisis and I’m still learning. However, one thing that I wish I’d had was the following diagnostic information. Chicken...
  5. KCward

    Chickens won’t drink Denagard water

    Hi all, my flock has been having some minor sneezing and my young Turkey had some sinus swelling so I got a bottle of Denagard to put in their water. The first day they seemed to drink it OK, but yesterday and this morning they seem to be avoiding it. I added quite a bit of sugar and a little...
  6. R

    Yellow Poo

    So my turkey had yellow/sulfur looking poo (not diarrhea) and droopy wings and one leg was either broken or affected by illness or something. This all happened very quickly not over time. Was a BEAUTIFUL young healthy girl. We loved her so much. Whatever it was did not kill her. Our neighbors...
  7. JoanieShrubs

    Does this wet eye look like mycoplasma?

    Hi, my one year old Wyandotte laying hen is sick with a respiratory infection. I’m trying to work out how to treat her as another flock member was put to sleep a couple weeks ago, assuming the same pathogen, and that hen didn’t really respond to the two classes of antibiotics we can get OTC here...
  8. Heartsopenwide

    Mycoplasma Treatment

    Has anyone treated Mycoplasma? What did you use? Has anyone treated with oxytetracycline? If so, what is the dose for chickens?
  9. N

    Sick Rooster -need help

    Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help us. We have a wonderful rooster, 5 years old, never been sick before. A couple weeks ago I noticed what appeared to be damaged inner corner of his eye. Seemed to only be there sometimes which made me think it was damaged to inner eyelid. Had like yellow in...
  10. BokBokGoose

    Ugh, I think my new Silkie Chicks have MG

    I’m pretty frustrated and going back and forth on what to do with them. I purchased these chicks locally just for fun to add to my existing large flocks including layers, and several breeding projects I’m working on. The chicks have been isolated 100% in a metal brooder in my basement since...
  11. R

    Mycoplasma Vaccine - Anyone do this? Pros vs cons?

    Hi all! I’m new to the forum but have been digging around online without much luck on this topic. I have my first group of chickens this year. They are all adults and living in a fully enclosed coop and run. No outside animals or birds can enter their area (have them set up this way due to...
  12. M

    Mycoplasma..? What do I do next?

    I live very rural and I’ve called around, no vet within 100 miles is willing to see chickens so I can’t have them tested to be sure. Last month I posted about my chickens Sneezing, head shaking, having runny watery brown poops that are very smelly, puffy eyes, and redder faces. After Tylosin...
  13. Angel25

    How can I save my hens?

    Hi there. I have been keeping chickens for over a decade and have been having a huge string of bad luck recently. Most of my girls I get as day olds and raise. When they are old ebough, they go out with the main flock. I currently have 11 hens and 4 chicks who are 11 weeks old (seems likely to...
  14. J


    My rooster's cheeks are a bit swelled up today when I saw him in the morning. I'm kinda scared since his ears are also a bit of a problem right now. His ears are getting pus which I clean 3-4 times a week but I heard that it should have stopped but it still hasn't yet. There isn't any vet...
  15. TheVanVrank_hens

    living with CRD

    Chickens have a mild cough/sniffle thing, vet said it’s probably mycoplasmosis - treating with tetracycline in their water. They will most definitely recover just fine. But, my question is: what now? I guess this never goes away, and forever my flock will be infected. I don’t breed (don’t even...
  16. J


    hello, I am new but can someone help me with what is going on with one of my roosters? something has been growing near his mouth and he keeps on rubbing his beaks together. he also sleeps a lot these days too. my other rooster seems fine.
  17. M

    Poorly hens - mycoplasma

    I recently bought 4 hens (2 silkies, pekin bantam and polish bantam). Sadly just after a week of getting them 2 died - we thought it was a case of worms as they were gaping and only died very suddenly. The other we took to the vet and they diagnosed mycoplasma- sadly after 3 days she also passed...
  18. emmagat


    Hey guys, I think I’m in trouble here. One of my chickens a respiratory bacterial infection pretty bad, and some of my others seems to be developing it. What’s the best antibiotic that I can buy? I know Corid is for coccidiosis and it’s for cows, but there’s a dosage for chickens that they can...
  19. M-H-Fielding

    Is this Mycoplamsa? Pics included.

    Hi everyone! I have a little dilemma with one of my babies. I have tried to do some research, but I don't think I am able to figure out what is wrong. My little welsummer pullet has a swollen bump next to/around the eye, and it has caused her eye to swell shut. I have heard of Mycoplamsa, but...
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