muddy run

  1. K

    Poop, mud, and more poop!

    I need some advice. Recently moved to my in-laws farm, and I absolutely hate our chicken coup/run. We have about 10-12 birds, and they have a large coup and their own yard that's fenced off (even though they jump over it for the grass on the other side). I'm in Canada and this year our winter...
  2. Pine Pellets to Absorb Water

    Pine Pellets to Absorb Water

    Used to absorb water in chicken runs.
  3. Diveks

    reptile coco husk? Go or no go?

    So my chickens don’t really have a run and just run around my garden. Well they have killed all the grass at this point so its starting to get pretty muddy in the garden. I wanted to cover it up with something so it won’t be so muddy. I have some reptiles and i had an idea of using coco husk...
  4. MysteryChicken

    Muddy Chicken Runs.

    Hello, I have 2 chicken coops with terribly muddy runs. The ground is flat, soil type is dirt, & sand. My largest coop, with a mixed flock has no run gate, so I can't access the yard without having to crawl through the chicken door. The first coop with my project birds, & meat birds in it...
  5. 0ddaudd

    Chicken Run Flooring (?). SO MANY FLIES !

    Hey ! So for awhile i was putting timothy hay at the bottom of my chicken run since they’ve eaten all the grass. But I live in Louisiana so it rains almost everyday, and the timothy hay was just getting muddy and smelly. So I decided to put some sand down as well. But the sand has appeared to...
  6. J

    Lethargic Roo

    We recently put a new roof on the run to our chicken coop and after a big storm it ripped and caused lots of mud and didn’t dry as fast as usual because there hadn’t been sun in a few days. When going out to feed in the morning i noticed my two roos were acting very lethargic. i noticed my...
  7. J

    Chicken run is a Mud pit

    Our chicken run has been a mud pit for days. We had major storms for a week straight. It’s so wet and muddy, and we have a roof on top so it’s shaded pretty much the entire day. We live in northern MN so our weather is not going to be getting very warm anymore, so it definitely will not dry out...
  8. KikiDeAnime

    Straw or Hay?

    Now that summer weather is over, we're going to be getting lots of rain.. which means muddy chicken yard :lol: We already had 2 days of rain anyway so we need to put down either straw or hay. Between straw or hay, which is better? I don't need any other suggestions, my dad is set on one of...
  9. Jennifer_M

    The Shovelbeaks are at it again

    My ducks completely destroyed my backyard last year, like not a blade of grass left, literally. They have their duck house, small pond and an area that they can be fenced off into by their house but they are spoiled and I let them have the run of the whole yard half the time. I have had them...
  10. WolfKeeper9584

    Improving a Coop

    Hello, I volunteer at a farm and take care of the chickens there. The coop is in poor shape and the run leaves a lot to be desired, but I don't think the owners are planning on expanding in the near future. The hens often get bored and end up picking on each other due to the lack of enrichment...
  11. drdvmd

    Never ending rain/muddy run/mulch vs sand?

    I am a relative chook newbie and live in PA, outside Philadelphia. Our hens have been outside since June and it has rained at least 50% of the time since our girls were big enough to be outside (rainiest year on record in our area). Their run is a mud pit and never dries out. My husband and I...
  12. Coop Health: Designing and Maintaining a Healthy Coop

    Coop Health: Designing and Maintaining a Healthy Coop

    What is a healthy coop? A healthy coop breeds healthy birds. It's one that offers your flock the best environment to thrive and live a healthy life. How much room do chickens need? Is my coop predator proof? Does it have enough ventilation for good health? What sort of bedding is best for my...
  13. KikiDeAnime

    Muddy Run + Puddles

    We started getting a lot of rain since Saturday evening and now our chicken yard is all muddy. Some of our hens have stopped coming out to eat because of the muddy yard so I've been going and giving them food but I would like to make it nice enough for them to come out. Any ideas on what I can do?
  14. AshleyNicole06

    Mud Hole :)

    My ducks pen is a big mud puddle that doesn't dry up and stinks real bad.. Is there something I Can put on the ground to not make it as wet And muddy?
  15. Farmgirl217

    Help . . . Flooded coop??

    Hi all! Recently we have had an outrageous amount of rain - WAY more than we normally have. It has been non-stop and will continue off and on for the rest of the week. We have our coop at the bottom of a hill and our coop has gotten extremely flooded. It has gotten flooded before and I have...
  16. C

    Help! Alternatives for grass in chicken area!

    Hi All, I have been trying to think of what alternatives to grass i could lay down in my chicken area. I have a 5m x 12m area of my backyard fenced off for my chickens, they have a smallish coop in there so are always allowed out into their chicken area during the day. We previously did not...
  17. MIchickenlady

    take a look-advice? flooded run-help!

    HELP! If you would take a look at my pics and offer advice about what to do with my very soggy run, I would VERY much appreciate it. I know lots of West Michiganders have this issue right now-fast spring thaw and rain. But I wasnt prepared for this sight today... I'm limited where I can have my...
  18. Leihamarie

    Dry Stall???

    Has anyone used Dry-Stall volcanic pumice to dry a muddy, smelly, moldy run??? It just rained and there is drainage issues in the run. The Dry Stall is used for horses, does anyone have experience with it? @Amelia Egghart
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