
  1. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Will my pullet mourn?

    Hey y’all, I have 1-2 Pullets that our main cockrel always courts around the yard, dances for and happily mates with them with their approval. They even roost together at night. Unfortunately this cockrel has become over confident in his roll and decided to attempt to flog my daughter twice...
  2. lealea44

    Death of a Flock Member

    My Buff O., Flo, is an internal layer. She will be euthanized tomorrow. My question is: should I show the other 5 chickens her dead body before I bury her? I just thought it might help them adjust quicker.
  3. Do Poultry Mourn Over The Loss Of A Flock Mate?

    Do Poultry Mourn Over The Loss Of A Flock Mate?

    Do Poultry Mourn? It has long been known that Elephants do indeed mourn their fallen comrades as do Giraffes and Apes. But do poultry and others in the avian species mourn? It has been very easy for human kind to think that animals or birds don’t have the...
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