miss lydia

  1. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    My friends children are raising two ducklings till 6 weeks then giving them to me. It’s a child’s project. They have given the ducklings four bubble baths till they were soaked and then put them under the heat lamp to dry. I was unaware that was happening. When they sent a video I was surprised...
  2. L

    Yellow silkie

    Hi, so why is my silkie yellow? It’s a bantam white silkie. Is it just bad breeding? I’ve heard of a yellow silkie and I think its just bad breeding. (The picture is not mine just looks a lot like her)
  3. Annastin


    Please help, I have a quail chick who is a little late on hatching and I didn't want to help him because I thought it was too early and then he seemed to be getting pretty weak so I decided to help him out of a shell a little bit and I waited a little bit and he still was pretty weak so I helped...
  4. Annastin

    PLEASE HELP day 22 on hatching quail chicks and still nothing!?!?!?!

    It's day 22 on hatching quail and the I'm worried I have lost the whole batch I have hatched them multiple times before and they all hatched on day 18 and 19 and it's day 22 and still no chirping or pips. My incubator does runner a little lower on temperature so I wasn't worried at first but now...
  5. cluckadoodledoo13

    Will a Rooster effect egg laying?

    Hi, recently we have been discussing wether or not to get a rooster to house with our 7 hens. Having pekins and other fancy breeds they tend to go broody this time of year anyway so that’s not a problem, quite a few people around us have cockerels too therefore Noise isn’t really an issue (we...
  6. T

    Wet Feather?

    This precious girl has frost all over her but our drake has very little & only by his tail. Does she have wet feather, something else entirely or does this look normal?
  7. mumofsix

    updated pics breeds ??

    the pics 4,5 are a different Chicken of same color and breed only it has a longer tail and a much lighter comb. The last pics are a chick of many colors ,since I don't know the breed I call it Dolly' s coat any guesses They are all 8 weeks
  8. autumn_g

    My hens stomach is sagging!! Doesnt look right!

    My muscovy momma Alice just hatched 18 eggs a1 week ago A few days ago u noticed her stomach looked very strange Is this normal? Why does it look like this?!?!
  9. BarnDoorClosed

    Please help duckling emergency

    I have 3 baby khaki ducklings, 5 weeks old. This evening I found one of the upside down on her back and she could not right herself. I stood her up and now she is very out of it. She couldnt have been that way at most an hour since I last checked them. Now she will not extend her neck out, she...
  10. aflacmy3rdson

    My Aflac is hospitalized for 10 days now

    no one can figure out why aflac is quacking like he’s snuffed to death! He has deffenetely got himself a ton of mold in this house The inspector came out I don’t know how long it has been here I’m going to help department or tomorrow that Mold has been removed from the wall behind the dishwasher...
  11. aflacmy3rdson


    I believe that’s what this disease is called that I have been following for my sick Aflac who is not getting one bit better can anyone tell me if the antibiotic SMZ-TP can handle this disease.His voice is awful It seems like he just can’t breath correctly and it’s awful No one can figure it out...
  12. aflacmy3rdson

    OMG AFLACS Wing route are black and some are half black and th vet did a through check!!!???

    ???? Hat now HELP arnt these bugs of some sort killing him tHose are the bugs Why are they growing out of his feathers Why does he run when I go get to give him a bath Why when I put poultry feather or water on him he freaks out flips his wings up and is irritated as hell and I feel like he’s...
  13. aflacmy3rdson

    Termites inbeaded in my duck aflacs feet

    I need to get these out of his feet I took him to the vet and he didn’t notice them but I noticed them last night because he’s limping on his left leg I need to know how to get these out immediately I don’t want him to die
  14. CrystaBub

    Help - Seizure, Heart Attack???????

    My 8 wk old ducks are still sleeping inside at night b/c the temps are inconsistent. I walked them to their outside run this morning, they went into their pool to wash off the overnight nasty. I decided to help my Runner Gabby since she had poop on her bill. When I splashed at her and grabbed...
  15. DuckyLovin2

    Mehhh help

    hello all my four week old pekin fell from his feeding shelve like thing to the bottom of his cage on his back... He freaked out and flailed but I was there and I righted him.... Anyway I'm scared he hurt something How do I know if he is in pain?!? He is walking kinda off and can't clean himself...
  16. B

    rooster fighting

    how do i stop roosters combs from bleeding after fighting? i read you use baking soda to stop, but do i use it as a powder or a paste? please help!!
  17. rabail

    Need emergency help

    Halo everyone, i need help ... please help me... my duck is very sick .. she was fine in morning, but when i see her in noon ... i find her like this... she cant pick her feathers and neck and head... she is not even eating anything ...just drinking water and too much water ... her eyes are half...
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