mg ms infection

  1. J

    Mycoplasma or something else?!?

    We got 4 chicks from Tractor Supply who were doing great. Thenaround 7 weeks old we got 3 pullers (also 7 weeks) from a “hatchery”. I didn’t know about quarantining them and likely couldn’t have anyway properly. Well day two (a week ago) one of the new ones started sneezing. No bubbly eyes...
  2. S

    Am I crazy for being ok accepting a likely MG/MS-Postitive hen into my small flock?

    Ok, long story, but TLDR is I purchased a new hen from someone, and she started presenting coughing and some rattling on the way home, have her quarantined ATM, but it is not any better after 2 days. Seller is very nice and we having been talking after the sale and she offered to let me bring...
  3. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    I need some input, advice, help figuring out what is the best option. We have had our original flock for just over a year. Every thing had been going great! I got some new birds recently and made the stupid mistake of not quarantining them for 30 days, after a week I started to integrated them...
  4. ReadyvilleBird

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) experts needed

    So, you may have seen my post before where I explain how my flock inherited MG from a “hatchery” that sold me sick chickens. So far I have gotten the disease under control but symptoms keep popping up in another chicken every time one beats it. I have a few questions on how to proceed from here...
  5. F

    MG or something else?

    I have an Americana that is roughly 6 months old. The other evening I noticed her eyes were runny and bubbling and that she was kind of "gurgling." I immediately separated her from the rest of the flock while trying to identify what it was. Her symptoms seemed to match that of MG. It was...
  6. alisacarlee

    Eye infections in chicks. To cull or not to cull?

    Hoping for some direction..... We bought 5 new Heritage Rhode Island Red chicks and they were doing great for about a month. It appears based on our guess of sizes that we may have 3 roos and 2 pullets. The larger few have been rearing up at each other kinda play fighting so when we found the...
  7. F

    Banny chicken with MG ms.

    Hi I've done some reseach and found my banny chicken has mg ms. I first of all was wanting to know if bactracillin g benzathine would work on this kind of infection. I need to know how many cc's to give her and how offen. I gave her 4cc's yesterday do to she could not breath and she is doing...
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