metal coop

  1. Coastal Farm Girl

    Converting metal shed to chicken coop help

    A friend gave me their metal shed for our chicken coop. We haven't set it in place and I need help on figuring out what would be best for the base and securing it. Then adding windows and ventilation. Eventually, I would love to replace the doors for dutch doors. I have attached pictures of the...
  2. E

    Help me refurb this tank of a coop!

    We were given this BEAST of a coop by a friend. It hasn’t been used in a couple years, and even as a first time chicken owner I know it needs gutted/redone. The entire thing is constructed of 2x4s and metal sheeting. It is solid and completely predator proof, plus it’s on wheels! Total...
  3. Our Coop

    Our Coop

    I'd been asking my husband whether we could have chickens, on and off for years and he had had a laundry list of reasons for why we shouldn't or couldn't until one day in early September 2018 when he said YES! My husband and I enjoy hunting ... big game, small game, we even enjoy going fishing...
  4. H

    A coop to keep out human predators

    We just finished constructing a coop that we nicknamed the "duck fortress." We live in a developing country near the equator, and we don't really have any predators to worry about other than stray dogs, which aren't an issue in our fenced yard. Previously we used a small chicken tractor that we...
  5. jadorsey9

    Chunnel Project

    After watching the Fixer Upper episode where they built the Chunnel around their raised beds I have been wanting to do something similar in my backyard. I started by sketching it out on paper and then had a fence built around my metal coop. The fence is cedar with no climb panels because we have...
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