mental health of chickens

  1. R

    strange behaviour in one of my hens

    i got this hen a couple years ago so she’s 2 or 3 years old. it looks like she never lost her baby tooth (i think that’s what it’s called? a small hook on the tip of her beak) i looked it up and it said it was fine so i left her since she was too skittish even if i was supposed to trim it or...
  2. J

    Eggs Didnt Hatch Under Broody

    Hey there, so I have a broody little Bantam named KoKo. She was laying on a clutch of 6 eggs. The eggs were all from different breeds, normal sized chickens with normal sized eggs. On day 25 I decided to grab 2 of the eggs and check what went wrong. One had died and the other was premature but...
  3. Coop Health: Designing and Maintaining a Healthy Coop

    Coop Health: Designing and Maintaining a Healthy Coop

    What is a healthy coop? A healthy coop breeds healthy birds. It's one that offers your flock the best environment to thrive and live a healthy life. How much room do chickens need? Is my coop predator proof? Does it have enough ventilation for good health? What sort of bedding is best for my...
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