
  1. Chikpeas

    Chicken Medications - Helpful Resource

    Hopefully this is the right place to plop this information! I've noticed a lot of fellow chicken tenders on here having trouble with obtaining medications like antibiotics, Corid, permethrine, etc. to treat their chickens (especially those rural folks who, like me, don't have access to an...
  2. R

    Diagel for chickens?

    One of my chickens has had explosive, completely liquid diarrhea for weeks, and I took her to the vet about 3 weeks ago. After weeks of waiting for blood/fecal results, they didn't turn up anything unusual. Probiotics and changing out her feed have done nothing. The vet left a message...
  3. 6


    I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot. Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens? Question 2: If I...
  4. lighthouse

    Conjunctivitis? HELP please.

    Hi there. I think my dove has conjunctivitis. I need for someone to explain to me what to do and the exact names of the medication please. Thanks in advance.
  5. S

    Coccidiosis in young pheasants

    im treating the youngest pheasants with cored in water, starting today. Should I also be giving them anything in the regular food to help them? We lost 2 young pheasants recently and another one has same symptoms now. So we are starting treatment to prevent any further casualties. Thanks for...
  6. GermanKennhuhn

    Help!!!Lice!? Mites!? All at once!!!

    A while ago I noticed that my chickens had little bugs crawling all over them. After a bit of research, I determined it was chicken lice. We try to treat our chickens with natural treatments, so I tried DE. Now, a couple weeks later, I noticed that not only the lice have come back, but now they...
  7. The Chicken Keepers Health Armoury.

    The Chicken Keepers Health Armoury.

    There are various threads on what you should have as essential items to care for your flock. This list is what I've found essential. The bulk of these items are from European sources but with the pictures many should be quite clear as to what they are and what they are for. Fenbendazole wormer...
  8. Michael Propst

    My Chicken Story

    Introduction I am still new at raising backyard chickens and learning more every day, this community has been such a valuable resource for me and a true gift of loving, caring, knowledgeable, and helpful people as I have tried navigating raising my small flock of backyard chickens. I truly...
  9. MizzHen

    Necessary vaccinations

    Hi, I am new to raising chickens. Over the past ten weeks, I have been raising three Rhode Island Reds and three Plymouth Rocks from pullets. They were med free at purchase so I immediately started them on medicated chick starter to get them going. They've gone through two bags and I just...
  10. D

    Respiratory infection. Need medicine dosage advice please.

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and to chicken keeping. My husband's father died a few months back and we took in his flock of 11 chickens - 5 bantams, 2 gold lines, 3 lavenders and a Maran. The Maran is the boss of everyone and they all get on quite peacefully. We've had a warm week and the...
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