mean cockerel

  1. Diveks

    cockerel hates hens?

    Hey everyone, in my last thread I asked about putting my new hens together with a lone cockerel and lone hen. I have tried introducing them in a somewhat open place and they had a few pecks but they are not fighting. Except that the roo hates them all. he tries to fight them all like other roos...
  2. Letting Your Broody Hen Hatch Her Eggs

    Letting Your Broody Hen Hatch Her Eggs

    I’ll never forget waking up on an early October morning to hear the undeniable sound of new life unbound—PEEP PEEP PEEP! I was shaking like a leaf with excitement. Our Easter Egger hen Lucille 2 (from the show Arrested Development, also we already had a Lucille, so it was perfect!) had turned...
  3. The Deed is Done - My flock is now at peace.

    The Deed is Done - My flock is now at peace.

    Well, today I finally did what I have been dreading for months: cull my first bird. With my last shipment of 22 chicks I received in April, plus the additional four I purchased at TSC, as luck would have it I wound up with three (count them, three) accidental cockadoodle roos. That gave me a...
  4. Mimi13

    The Deed is Done

    Well, today I finally did what I have been dreading for months: cull my first bird. With my last shipment of 22 chicks I received in April, plus the additional four I purchased at TSC, as luck would have it I wound up with three (count them, three) accidental cockadoodle roos. That gave me a...
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