
  1. Poultry Kitten

    Guinea pig lump under chin

    Hi all! I am new to guinea pigs and adopted a 3-5 year old pair. One of the guinea pigs has began to develop a lump under its chin/ on its throat. I a worried something like a cyst may be growing. Is there any positive side to this or am I going to need to pay large bill to get it checked out...
  2. G

    What is this lump?

    Ok so I got this chicken about a month ago and noticed she had a hard scabby lump on her neck/ chest area. She does not act like it affects her eating or drinking she is not laying of course from molting and not sure how old she is anyway. But she runs around fine with the other chickens and...
  3. M

    Impacted Crop, Marek's Disease, Predator Attack or Something Else Entirely?

    I am concerned about bumps these chicks have on their wings and a large lump they each have on the same sides of their neck/shoulder. One of them has a bottom that looks very red as well. I have only had them in my care for a couple of hours. I am unsure how sick they maybe or if I can nurse...
  4. F

    Melanistic mutant pheasant with yellow lumps on bowel intestine!?

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is I am harvesting my some of my male melanistic Mutant pheasants and when I pulled out the intestines I noticed yellow lumps all over the bowels. Not sure what it is or if birds are even edible. I know picture is kind of gory but I just don't...
  5. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    We have a gorgeous Faverolles hen, and a month ago I noticed a whitish lump inside her lower beak on the left, and she was occasionally shaking her head. We gave her Harkers 3 in 1 tablets, and for a few days she stopped shaking her head but within a week she'd started again. We took her to...
  6. Suprise-Chicks

    Little Cochin with lumps

    Hi all, Hoping you can help I have a 4 week old with little hard lumps with a yellow top. What are they help I'm very worried. She has the yellow one in the photos, her cheek has a big lump, one on her head, and a smaller one on her neck???? She seem happy eating and drinking and pooping fine...
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