laying pullets

  1. Can You OUTSMART a Chicken?

    Can You OUTSMART a Chicken?

    And the answer is, “Heavens NO! Are you kidding?” The species would not have continued to exist if the answer had been yes. This somewhat fragile bird is one of the slyest animals on the planet and I don’t mean that in a deceitful way. So much so that I’m surprised the chicken didn’t get the...
  2. LadyFromTheMountain

    Looking for Rhode Island Reds. Wa state

    Looking for a few laying rhodies to add to my flock, three laying pullets would be great since my flock is also young, but wouldn't mind adding an older hen or two. Don't mind driving around western wa if the price is right
  3. Little Coop on Salt Creek

    advice on sand coop/run daily chores with new laying pullets

    Hi everybody! I am curious about some daily flock management and how ya'll manage your daily duties. So this is what we have: a sand floor coop and run (run actually is 2/3 sand and 1/3 dirt and straw). You can see a pic of the outside of our set-up in my avatar picture. Our girls are of the...
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