laying age

  1. E

    Duck Nutrition Requirements

    Hi! I am a relatively new duck mom and am a bit confused on the timeline for switching foods. We have three female runner ducks that are 23 weeks old. They are currently eating Manna Pro Duck Starter Grower Feed and I am mixing in oats for a 25% oats/75% feed ratio. I also mix in Fresh Eggs...
  2. M

    BCM 25 weeks, no eggs

    My BCM ladies are 25 weeks tomorrow, and I haven't see an egg yet. I know some can take a little longer than others, but my EEs have been laying since 21 weeks. My BCM are getting chonky😂 their combs and wattles have grown and darkened quite a bit over the last couple weeks, and 1 is squatting...
  3. C

    What is Egg whitish mucus on ledge or coop ramp?

    I’m about to have laying chickens and none have layed yet this morning I went outside and one of my EE is very vocal and going in and outside and I noticed a egg white mucus like substance on the coop ramp? Is this something like a disease or is she about to lay her first egg do chickens produce...
  4. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Black Sumatra STILL not laying

    I have an 8 month old black sumatra that hasn't laid a single egg! Should I be concerned? She's healthy and happy and all my other chickens are laying steadily. I check the whole yard pretty thoroughly for eggs at the end of the day (I have a few girls that have made ridiculous nests in a few...
  5. sammi_lynn12

    First egg!

    I got my first egg on Saturday from my Rhode Island Red hen! She laid Saturday and today but my question is why aren't my Australorps laying yet? My two autralorps are three weeks older than the rest of flock and have not laid yet. My barred rocks and RIR are the same age and as of right now...
  6. M

    Chickens not laying

    Hi i have 4 chickens. One is an Easter egger, blue sapphire, red sex link, and silkie. They are all hens for sure. They are now about 21 1/5 weeks old. They have a run. Have been on layer feed. Have two nesting boxes. Have a coop. But they haven’t laid a single egg. I’m worried I’m doing...
  7. Paz

    When do RIR start laying?

    My pullet is almost six month old. I see some beige coloured eggs here and there but I'm pretty sure they belong to my old Arabi. When will my Rhode Island Red start laying? My father actually thinks of getting rid of her together with the chosen cockerel in the Yom Kipur event.
  8. HensAndFriends

    Flock Rotation for Eggs

    I have 15 hens (which is my optimal number) A) 10 pullets | 5 months old B) 3 hens | 1 year and 2 months old C) 2 hens | 2 years and 3 months old So I want to rotate out my old hens by selling them, and buy new chicks every spring. I have been trying to figure out a good schedule…. Which...
  9. D

    Newly laying

    one of my girls(all are 27weeks old) laid an egg for the time yesterday, i believe it may be fertile. none of my girls were sitting on the egg so I brought the egg to my friend who has a broody girl. Her girl sat on it almost instantly. Im so excited about it. My question is, now that we are...
  10. Sgalli

    Silkie rooster too big for serama hen?!?!

    Ok so I have a small serama hen that just started laying. I have one silkie rooster that is very nice to her. I was hoping to they could match up! Is it possible? Or will the silkie rooster be too big for her? He tried once but she sounded panicked. Anyone have any experience they could share...
  11. Chickenheaven93

    My silkies stopped laying since November

    I have 13 silkys and one roo. They are all adults afew years old. They have stopped laying since November. I'm in Australia so it is summer here now. But we're I live the weather is always crazy. It will go from 35 degrees one day, and 10 degrees the next with cold nights. My hens were...
  12. cacooley

    My Black Australorps Haven't Layed Yet

    They were born in early June. Shouldn't I have eggs by now?
  13. N

    Laying feed

    I got my chickens in May... the lady at the feed store told me they wouldn’t lay eggs till they were 1 year old so I’ve been feeding them finisher feed that was 16% protein. a friend informed me that was wrong and to put them on layer feed and they’ll lay eggs. So they’re on layer feed now from...
  14. M

    Pecan Tree Run

    Oh wow, when I had my contractor build a chicken run across the back of the old chicken barn that came with my small country house, I was intimidated. I thought, now I've gone and done it. It's built with heavy timber centers and 2x4s, has a metal skirt buried a foot and a half into the ground...
  15. T

    3 Year Old Hen Has Never Laid an Egg

    I’ve searched the internet for over a year and can’t find information on if there are some hens that just never lay eggs. I have a 3 year old chicken that has never ever laid an egg. Is there anything we can do or is she just completely barren?
  16. Pentatonchix

    Easter Egger Eggs?

    Hey Everyone, I have two easter egger pullets (see profile picture) who are exactly 16 weeks old. I am really excited about their eggs. Could anyone with easter eggers share some eggs? I would love to see the variety of colors! Also, at what age did they start laying? Thanks!
  17. V

    Old chickens or stressed chickens?

    We inherited 4 chickens from our landlord last November. He claimed they were about 3y.o. We were never told what type but it looks like we started with 2 Rhode Island reds, possibly a Dominique and a Crevecoeur (except the others have pecked her head bald, prior to us receiving her). One of the...
  18. O

    Hens Not Laying

    About 1 and 1/2 months ago I got 4 bantams (2 silkies, 1 chamois polish and 1 pekin). The farm I got them from stated that all their chickens are from 16-20 weeks old when sold. I was wondering if anyone knew how long it would take for them to start laying? And also does anyone have any advice...
  19. Bobbie3504

    pekings on the Lake

    we've had ducks in the past, at the farm, but now we are on a private lake and have 3 pekings and 1 mallard (had 3 but a fox got 2 when they were young :-( ) Mallard is a Drake & mating with one of the Pekings. We have a Drake Peking and we THINK a hen peking (slow becoming sexually active & no...
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