lavender orpington roo

  1. Z

    Little Lavender Orpington - Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hi everyone! I’m new here, but this website has helped us SO MUCH with raising our first baby chicks. We have six girls (I think)! A lavender orpington, a silver laced wyandotte, a buff, a cinnamon queen and two Easter eggers. I’m curious about my little lavender, Lottie. She’s had this comb...
  2. K

    Which rooster should I keep?

    I have two Lavender Orpington roosters and one needs to go. I want to keep the one that will be best for breeding and both are not people aggressive so that isn’t a problem. We had some wind last night that blew open the door separating the roosters and they fought so that’s why they look beat...
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