lavender orpington crosses

  1. N

    Help sexing 5-6 week old barnyard mix chicks!

    I hatched out chicks for the first time on February 4 and others on February 9. I hatched out 2 barnevelder(hen)xlavender orpington(rooster), 2 black non bearded silkie(hen)xlavender orpington(rooster), 2 light brahma(hen)xlavender orpington(rooster), 1 lavender orpington and 1 blue...
  2. S

    What will I get?

    Didn’t know where to put this, so I’m just guessing on this side of BYC, but I have a Lavender Orpington hen, and a Easter Egger roo that looks like a Wheaten Ameraucana, with like, a lavender laced chest and stuff, I’d send a pic if I could only get one 🤣. And obviously they mated, and she’s...
  3. NRHobbyFarm

    Lavender Rooster or Lavender Cross

    Hi I know Prince Charming is a Lavender Orpington just wonder if he looks like a pure Lavender or a cross. Side note he just went through a molt and lost all his glorious tail feathers
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