
  1. Hatch in chicks

    LATE eggs (leftover from hatch) *HELP*

    DAY 20: (4:00pm) 3 chicks hatched. DAY 21: (9:00pm) 4 chicks hatched. DAY 22: (10:00pm) There is 2 "leftover eggs" from the batch of chicks. Both of them are internally pipped... but not externally. So, I just candled the eggs... one of them is still moving around inside the air sac. The other...
  2. ChickNanny13

    IDEAS what's the cause?

    I ask those that I give/sell eggs to, please let me know if the eggs is "weird". This is the first in years ... I know who laid it as I have only 3 hens, each laying a different color egg. The hen (1.5yr) who laid this egg had a soft shell egg in May and July, her eggs get odd shaped at times...
  3. H

    Day 4 incubating quail, no veins!

    Hi there. I have recently started incubating a new batch of quail eggs in my janoel 10 incubator. It is day 4 as of today however when candled, the eggs show no signs of life (such as veins). Is this normal on day 4 or does this mean that the eggs are not fertile? Thank you!
  4. ChickNanny13

    Cockerel or Pullet?

    I'm trying to convince myself it's pullet, however heard it crow & saw it crow :hmm It's a Marans/WTB (white splash) and according to the hatch date I was given when I got "her", it's 13wks today. The WTG (red/brown) is 15wks old, I'm sure that's a pullet. Need your expertise ... I know it's...
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