
  1. D

    Do we have a bully problem? Leghorns stopped laying

    I'm investigating two possibilities, this is the first; recently (2024/04/30) I got 3 hens: two white leghorns and one Amber star. They are all within 3weeks age and the amber star started laying small but, cute eggs. Three days at her new home, the bigger legorn started laying too on the 3rd...
  2. Diveks

    Respiratory infection or new bedding?

    My chickens have been constantly sneezing, I am not sure if it is a respiratory infection or because I just changed to coco chips for their run. They have been sneezing for over a week now, the issue is that I just introduced a new rooster to my flock which might have given a virus to everyone...
  3. Fangeddeer

    Is my dog pregnant? Or is it just her worms.

    My dog is infected with worms n were trying to treat it yet I’ve been bugged by her nipples. They’re not normal, at least to me. Is this normal? Am I overreacting?
  4. WolfLady

    Young chick walking "on high heel"

    Hi! I have a 36 hours old silver ameraucana chick that limp since his birth. I noticed that despite being able to stand static normally, when he walks, his left wrist is positioned as if he was walking on high heel. He walks, runs, feed, scratch normally. What could it be? Is there anything I...
  5. tinkertonpipes

    Wings on guinea keets

    I am just wanting to make sure this is not a problem. My 1 week old guinea keets have their bottom of their wings sticking out a bit. Feathers just started growing there. Diet is exactly what it should be. Is this normal growth or do I need to change something? Wrap their wings like ducks...
  6. R

    Whats wrong with my chicken feathers

    Two out of five of my chickens have started to lose feathers around there back's. What do you think is causing this issue? I adopted an extra chicken a couple of months ago and after a few days they all where getting on so I don't think its due to fighting/pecking. Is this lice?
  7. C

    Mating Issue. Moral Dilema

    In my relatively small flock we have two roosters who are brothers and have been hand raised (with their sister who they circled but a hawk got her one day) and are essentially stuck at the hip. While they will go separate ways for a small time they often follow each other and are almost never...
  8. zs14

    Featherless Head/Recovering from bullying.

    Hi friends, I received 27 chickens via Hoovers April 13th (7 weeks ago). We got a variety of breeds, including a Leghorn, GLW, Brhamas, New Hampshires, Polish, some Sex-Links and a couple more. Because of some permit troubles, at 6 weeks (when we deemed it time to put the birds outside) we still...
  9. HeyImAChickenThatsWhite

    HELP!!! Please!

    Hey! I have a chick that has a gnat in her nose. I was wondering if I can get it out, but everything I would try to get it out. She flips out and jumps down. So, my question is... How did you get a Gnat out of a chicks nose? (P.s. I can’t get a picture because she is a bit Crazy)
  10. kinkachy000

    New chicks keep passing away for no apparent reason?! Help!

    Hello, I recently purchased 12 various bantam chicks from a local feedstore on Saturday. They gave me an additional one for free because they felt it was close to passing, and I agreed to give it a chance. So I came home with 13 chicks last night. Since I brought them home at 4pm, two of them...
  11. Luke P

    Aylesbury duck has a twisted back...

    hey all, poor little jemima never seems to catch a break! she started with pigeon toes which has since cleared up with a diet of increased niacin. but as of the last couple days ive begun noticing that she walks with almost a sideward curve in her back..... she can still run and doesnt...
  12. J

    [HELP] Miracle Silkie Hatched Chick Having Major Issues!

    Hello. I need help with issues of a newly hatched silkie chick. Here are the details: I had a small hatchery on a table that was knocked over, and along with it, the hatchery. This lone egg somehow did not break during the incident, but did form a small crack. Movement had stopped so we were...
  13. Ducktown

    Drake has spots on his bill, what could it be?

    For some time now, my Indian runner drake has spots on his bill. Otherwise, he seems to be healthy. He's inside the pond most of the time, digging plants and checking for mud around it. Are these spots sign of physical damage (roses with nasty thorns are growing next to the pond) or could be an...
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