internal parasites

  1. thunder21

    Abnormal droppings

    Hello again! I noticed my rooster mouth breathing was back (no wheezing and gurgle sound). It started when the weather became hot and humid again and when I fed him sweet corn. At first, he has droppings were not digested well. Now, he has diarrhea and this is how it looks. Even his cecal...
  2. L

    HELP! What is in our eggs!!!

    I’ve cracked 2 eggs into a bowl this morning to whisk, and found this in them! Can anyone let me know what it is?
  3. Internal Parasites - Parasitic Worms in Chickens

    Internal Parasites - Parasitic Worms in Chickens

    Internal Parasites - Worms Worms, what are they, where do they come from and what to do about them. Worms are everywhere... they are in the soil, insects can carry their eggs and they can sometimes be found inside your chickens as well. Knowing a little bit about their life-cycles and how...
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