injured turkey

  1. EggAndTofu

    Turkey lethargic due to peck wound?

    The wound is located on the back of her head, she has another smaller injury near the side of her face. I believe the cause was my older turkey hen. The wound itself is small, but it does seem pretty deep. I cant tell if it's bad or not since I don't have experience with these injuries. The...
  2. willandstacey06

    Injured Turkey

    We have a 7 week old red bourbon turkey. Something tried to attack her and injured her. She had some claw/bite marks along her hip area and was really bruised up but that seems to have improved at this point. Her main problem now is that she won’t stand up. When she is held up in the air, her...
  3. E

    Injured turkey still alive (photo in post)

    I have a youngish royal palm turkey that got attacked by the neighbors’ dog today. He looks terrible but he might pull through - I say this because although all his feathers got ripped out, the exposed skin & fat doesn’t actually look like it tore through to any organ or muscle exposure that I...
  4. G

    Escaped injured Turkey from local turkey barn

    Yesterday a turkey from local turkey barn was brought to me, looks like it had been attacked over past couple days. Not sure if it is from animal or somehow squeezing thru truck in route to cull for ag.
  5. Vvaarr

    Injured turkey

    Long story short my turkey was attacked by a dog. It’s been about 2 weeks and we’ve kept her separate from the others to tend to her wounds . She can kinda stand up on one leg but the other she won’t Really use. looking for any advice to help my poor girl out. I’ve never owned turkeys before...
  6. crystden

    Swollen injured turkey leg

    my 2yo heritage Tom has injured his leg jumping off the porch. We’ve contained in grass area but now he’s chasing chickens and his legs now swollen. What can I do to help him heal?and how long does it generally take? Thank you
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