
  1. J

    HELP !!Duck with infected wound (graphic photos)

    About 7 month ago my duck had a small odd growth that kept growing untill it was pretty big, then one day I went out to check on the ducks when it had just fallen off and left a hole. I thought it was a good thing and that it could finally heal but it just won't heal. It stayed as a black scab...
  2. Hen_House04

    Bumble Foot Help!!

    Hey there! First timer for bumble foot and it has this chicken mama in a tizzy!! I’ve soaked and soaked her foot in warm epsom salt for the past 3 days and have been trying to pull the bumble out with a pair of clean tweezers. I’ve sprayed vetrx on it every night and keep it wrapped in guaze to...
  3. TheRealChickenLord

    ⚠️Chicken with (intestinal?) blockage?? (Please help.)

    I’m posting about my Porcelain D’uccle Bantam Hen. Her name is Irish, she just turned 3 years old and I love her to death. Last Tuesday (3-4 days ago) I noticed she was making a face and standing weird. She also retreated and refused to come to me like she usually does. I knew this wasn’t a good...
  4. chicks78


    Help! My chick has been hurt my older chickens and I don’t know what to do. The skin on the back of her head has been removed. — - She’s about 3 weeks old - Her breathing is a bit off - She’s not eating or drinking water
  5. Sassy-ChikN Mom

    Help! Injured Cuckoo Maran young hen

    I need some help/advice. I went out to change water this afternoon and found my 3 month old Cuckoo Maran in some bushes. When I picked her up, I noticed dry blood and she was having trouble walking. After looking her over, it looks like something tried to get her. She has some puncture wounds...
  6. Astrx

    HELP! Broken leg?

    today while I was inside and went to check on my chickens I noticed that a hen was waking weird.When she walks she places the left foot forward a lot and that makes her slip a little.When I picked her up and checked to see if there was something both legs and feet looked normal and there didn’t...
  7. Astrx

    Broken wing?

    So I have this rooster chicken and about 3 weeks ago I saw that his right wing was down and so I waited about 5 days to see if it healed and it didn’t so I tied it up for him and he kept taking the bandage off so we left his wing to see if it healed by itself and now that I checked his wing it’s...
  8. S

    I have a chicken that earlier this morning (Friday) had a piece of skin pulled from her (somewhat graphic)

    I have only had chickens for about a year and this is the first time something like this has happened. I’m not sure exactly what happened to her but be piece of skin was ripped off exposing some flesh. What should I do about this? Thank you!
  9. M

    Help!! Chicken attacked by neighbors dog!!

    One of our light brahma chicks got attacked today by a neighbor's dog. There is proof of the dog, as I saw him in my neighbors yard earlier and there are paw prints under a tree, that look like he was running. The hens name is Rose, and she is around 14 weeks old. She is the biggest out of our...
  10. E

    Possible broken clavicle

    7 days ago my polish hen was injured when my frizzle rooster, then my Wyandotte trying to jump on her back. She just kinda went down and hadn’t been able to walk since. I’ve nursed her continuously for 7 days: I feel like we are finally in a real good place as she has been able to stay in her...
  11. W

    Messed up chicken

    One of our chickens was attacked by our dog. we found it laying down pretty in shock and pretty hurt. we think it has a broken neck so we put it in a splint. though it might not be broken. it lays there most of the time. occasionally it moves backwards. when it’s laying down it lays it’s head...
  12. Hoopoethick

    Chick Keeps Cutting Head Open Help!!!

    So we have a 6 week old barred rock. She is very dumb and introverted. (She stay outside of the coop away from her siblings) 2 days ago I noticed she had a cut on her head so we put her in a crate with a heat pad and waited for it to scab. Today I noticed she had reopened the cut on her head...
  13. Flock-of-Five


    One of our chickens, a two year old barred rock hen is having some problems with her vent. I have never had anything like this happen before to any of my chickens so I am not sure what to do. I have heard of prolapsed vent and egg bound chickens before but at this point I am not sure what to do...
  14. alexthefarmlady

    Rescue Guinea fowl in need of help

    Today I went to the feed Store And saw this guy not walking his right leg looks broken he can’t walk on it and it kinda looks twisted any advice on to help this baby
  15. midnoight

    broody disaster

    Our two australorp broodies hatched out two chicks (one to each hen). Our less aggressive broody rejected her red chick before it had even fully hatched, and I moved it to the aggressive hen's nest with her black chick which was happy and healthy. The nest day- both hens were in the same nest (i...
  16. stjohn19

    Stuck egg

    So I have had chickens for many years and this, was the first time this has ever happened to me. To say the least it was an interesting experience for not only peanut but also myself. I got the egg out safely but everything has not gone back to normal. Anyone have any experience with this?
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