incubating quail eggs

  1. S

    Advice please!! Poor quail hatch (10%!)

    Hello I wonder if somebody can help me. I am fairly new to hatching quail, this is only my second attempt. However both attempts have resulted in poor hatches. the first hatch we didn’t have a secondary temperature gauge or a humidity gauge so attributed our poor hatch (only 10% success) to...
  2. S

    Need help with quail eggs

    I am including one quail egg at the moment as our hen stopped all of a sudden and she was only successful with one egg out of 12 so are not sure how far long it is But we saw quite a big chick when candling it and it was moving a lot so a day later we put it in lockdown because we guessed from...
  3. abbya12

    Incubating Coturnix Quail - Candeling Question

    Hi everyone!! I’m very new here, just bought an incubator and 10 eggs and am currently incubating them. I’m only on day 3, but I candled just one of them, I know it’s too early / I probably shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help myself! I’m so excited! Anyway, I took a picture, and I know you...
  4. M

    Over 18 Days Hatching Quail Eggs?

    Hi guys, I have hatching Pharaoh Jumbo Coturnix eggs that have been in the incubator since May 3rd.I have candled them and most have developed and there is movement in a few that I took the time to watch. Can the water test be done to see if all of the ones that have developed are going to...
  5. backyardhomestead


    I am incubating quail for the first time. I had 58 eggs in a forced air incubator with my chicken eggs. On day 13 I moved the quail eggs to a still air incubator for the lock down. I did have one temp spike when I accidentally moved the knob; it went up to 104. Its day 20 and none have...
  6. LaLaLaLauria

    Quaility Control- To float or chance a bomb on day 14?

    Hi guys, noob first time quail (anything actually) incubator. Today is day 14 and we will be going into lockdown. I do not have faith in my ability to candle these little spotted eggs effectively so my question is: Do I not candle, not float, just put the eggs in lockdown and pray for no...
  7. mortorffsquail

    What is the best way to incubate quail eggs with a high hatch rate?

    Hello all, the hatching season for quail for me is pretty much over when the colder weather arrives since hatching quail in the winter is a very tedious task. While on my break and before winter starts rolling in. I would like to put some new building ups for brooding the chicks and raising them...
  8. sammysideuppp

    Jumbo Cortunix Quails not hatched (Day 18)

    Hi everyone! I'm new with quail raising and just wondering if its normal for Jumbo cortunix quails to hatch later than normal? (17-19 days). There was an unfortunate overnight outtage on day 16, could that also have set the hatch day back by abit? They didnt die luckily from the outtage, flipped...
  9. jessnd12414

    Humidity went too high

    ok so I have a bunch of quail eggs in the incubator, I'm on day 9 and I accidentally put too much water in the incubator and the humidity went up to 60% yesterday. It is now back down to 42%. My question is, will the humidity being too high for a 12 hour period of time effect my hatch?!
  10. Nyla

    WANTED!! Quail Hatching Eggs!!

    I'm searching for 200+ Quail Hatching Eggs. Can be Coturnix or Bob White. Much prefer Bob White. Please pm me if you know or sell quail hatching eggs. Please send me your price range and shipping costs!
  11. M

    first time quail owner

    I will be placing a batch of eggs in the incubator tonight or tomorrow. I have never used an incubator completely new to it and the quails so my question is am I doing everything correctly? I have set the incubator up, temp 99.5 on digital, mercury thermometer in incubator is reading about 99.3...
  12. Hatching Quail Eggs and Brooding Quail Chicks

    Hatching Quail Eggs and Brooding Quail Chicks

    Hatching Quail Eggs (California Quail eggs after a hatch) Hatching Quail can be a fun and educational experience for the entire family. Since Quail are not as available as many of the other species of...
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