illness feathers

  1. minaayindra

    Older chickens going gray?

    I have multiple hens and one rooster, all hatched on the same day and now 4 1/2 years old. In the last 6 months, the roosters feathers around his beautiful ruff have changed from a vivid copper to white, as has his feathers on his head. Now I have his black Copper Maran hens showing white...
  2. M

    Help with feather picking/loss

    Hi everyone! My family and I are new to raising chickens, and have been stumped as to how to help our chickens stop feather picking. We bought the hens from a family getting rid of them in January this year, and one of the hens had some feather loss at her tail area (the owners said it was...
  3. M

    Help! My baby duck has a discolored section of feathers! Is it sick?

    Hi, my husband and I are new to raising poultry, but both are from livestock families and have grown up with cattle, pigs, sheep, etc. Last fall, we got many baby chicks from a hatchery and had no trouble with them at all! We purchased 5 ducks from Tractor Supply 2 weeks ago. This morning, one...
  4. Pink tint to feathers?

    Pink tint to feathers?

    I’m not sure why but one of my chickens have this pink lining on their feathers now all of them have it, should I be worried?
  5. C

    Feather Loss and No Eggs! Help!

    Hi everyone! I live in Australia and gave three backyard chickens, I'm pretty sure they're ISA browns. We've had them about two years, from a few months old. A few months ago the girls all went through molt. But one never grew them back, and has continued losing feathers on her chest, neck...
  6. Bird biz

    Chicken losing feathers-they don't grow back

    This poor thing just doesn't get better. Any ideas what is wrong with her and what she needs to get well?
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