
  1. Ice Maker

    Ice Maker

    In the summer when refrigerator ice makers cannot keep up, this countertop portable ice maker is great.
  2. Diveks

    How to store pedialyte?

    So I heard that pedialyte should be discarded after 48 hours. Well I am only feeding these baby birds tiny drops. What is a good way store these? Last time i raised baby birds i always discarded them every 24 hours which was a huge waste of money and product. I only have access to the non...
  3. BonNuit

    Food and water amounts for sick/recovering rooster

    Looking for wisdom from those more experienced. My roo, Otis, ended up with severe frostbite on his combs (one part actually came off -- and was collapsing in the coop. When I brought him inside, he just sat motionless and only drank if I dropper hydrated or put his beak in the water. He took...
  4. Determining Hydration Status in Waterfowl using PCV (EVF), and TP test

    Determining Hydration Status in Waterfowl using PCV (EVF), and TP test

    The point of this article is to discuss how the waterfowl owner can determine hydration status in their bird using the PCV (EVF), and TP test. As with most medical fields keeping the patient hydrated cannot be stressed enough. While it may be good to immediately administer fluids to sick birds...
  5. H

    Is providing a chick feed mash/soak okay?

    Hey y’all! I am a first time chicken owner of 9 beautiful birds. (2 dark Brahmas, 2 ameracuanas, 2 blue laced Wyandottes, 2 buff Orpingtons, and once white silkie) and I am slightly concerned about their water intake, like all babies they are MESSY and I dump there shaving filled water about 5/6...
  6. Carriegator

    New to this great site!

    Hi I'm Carriegator and just signed in for the 1st time! We have had chickens since April of 2016 so we are in our 2nd Summer. My main concerns are keeping my flock healthy during this heatwave
  7. Lazy Farmer

    vitamin/electrolyte toxic levels?

    • Is it possible to overdose from prolonged use of a vitamin & electrolytes solution? • If the vitamin & electrolytes solution is from a concentrated batch, can the chemical properties change into a toxic mixture if not used in a short time period? • How many days in a row should the vitamin &...
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