hydrated lime

  1. Preserving Eggs With Water-Glassing: The Results of My Year-Long Experiment...

    Preserving Eggs With Water-Glassing: The Results of My Year-Long Experiment...

    Before I start, I want to say that this is above all an experiment, that I posted in the Recipes section because it involves food and at least one experimental recipe. If BYC managers disagree with the placement of this article, please inform me of where it would be better posted so I can move...
  2. PennyM

    Lime Confusion

    I want to lime whitewash the inside of our new coop and am having a confusing time trying to find what I need. I read where I need hydrating lime or calcium hydroxide NOT dolomitic lime nor calcium carbonate, aka garden lime. Okay, so I go to TSC and can't find what I need. I tell the sales...
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