humidity level

  1. Frodo the Pekin

    Humidity question. NEED HELP ASAP. Duck eggs

    Hello!! I bought myself an incubator recently and set some duck eggs today. However, I'm a bit confused with the humidity requirements. I live in Romania, and for some reason most romanian youtube videos and sites that I've seen seem to recommend 60-70% for the first period and 80%-85% at...
  2. Inharmony

    Humidity and Oxygen during lockdown

    Hello, I'm using a Brinsea Maxi 24 advance for the first time. I went into lockdown last night and have been working on raising the humidity all day today. I did a dry incubation with what looks like good air cells developed and all eggs made it to lockdown! My question: is oxygen or humidity...
  3. AlchemyFarms

    Help I accidently left my Humidifier on!

    I left the house for a few hours and I accidently left my humidifier on in my home made cabinet incubator. When i opened the incubator 99%+ humidity. The eggs was damp, they are under 10s old. Before the incident I candled all the eggs and all showed veins and a little body. How much damage did...
  4. M


    I live in a very hot (30-40*C) and humid (roughly 74%). I have started incubating chicken eggs in a small 7 egg Incubator inside our garage because it’s a safe place from our 2 cats. I then realised that there would always be a layer of water on the glass of the incubator. We then put a...
  5. M

    Humidity levels - Brinsea Ovation 28 EX

    Has anyone had experience with the Brinsea Ovation 28 EX Fully Automatic? - i have just bought one. I would like some advice on humidity levels Days 1-18 and then for hatching for chickens. The recommendation from Brinsea is 50-55% Days 1-18 and then 70-75% for hatching. I would be glad of...
  6. OneFowlMama

    Fluctuating Temperature in incubator

    Hi everyone, I've followed this forum for a long time but I have a problem I can't seem to find a concrete answer to and would really appreciate some guidance! I purchased a HHMD 56S Incubator and have recently put 13 fertile eggs in, they're currently on day 3 and I'm just really worried about...
  7. Bonnierae123

    Day 25 / small air cell.

    Is it too late. I've have 3 Mandarin eggs in a Janoel 12 incubator. I just candled them quickly last night ( day 24) without handling them much. The airpocket appears to small.... Like at candling Day 18 size. Is it too late to increase this air sac? I'm trying to increase ventilation by lifting...
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