
  1. Australorpfamily

    General what if Americana breeds?

    Yes, Americana, as in Easter Egger, from Hoover's, but what might she be mixed with? Or what her color is called? I know on their site they say a blend of Amerucana and Arucana ? Thanks for any suggestions. 4 weeks old
  2. Australorpfamily

    Olive Eggers and their eggs

    We have four OE that are currently laying (the others are five weeks old and not in flock) Sharing their colored eggs over the past couple of weeks as the last two days I have gotten pale minty(ish) green ones from them! Lol Yes, we did change feed, from commercial to a feed mill, same...
  3. GravityWaves

    Weak Sapphire Olive Eggers from Hoovers or store bedding?

    I went to my closest Rural King Friday night and they had four stock tanks w/ a couple breeds each. The first had Speckled Sussex and Sapphire Olive Eggers on coffee ground bedding. The rest had wood shavings as bedding. I really wanted SOE so got a couple and an Americana(EE). By Sunday the SOE...
  4. R

    What breed are my chicks?

    Got these guys from TSC yesterday. Supposedly they are Prairie Bluebell Eggers but no one at the store could identify the different chicks, and they were all mixed in stock tanks. Off the top of my head the breeds they did have in store were BO's, Barred Rocks, Cornish meat birds, the Prairie...
  5. sarastamand

    Valentine's Flock - Hoover's Hatchery

    My flock has arrived!! I’ve been waiting patiently (while counting down the days of course!) for the past month looking forward to the best Valentine’s Day ever. I wanted to share my experience with Hoover’s hatchery. This is my second order from them, although the first time I ordered I went...
  6. Cluckerzfamilyfarm

    Online order: Hoovers hatchery chicks

    I recently ordered 15 Speckled Sussex hens through Hoovers Hatchery online ordering service. I am happy to report that they all arrived alive and healthy. I am very pleased with the speedy delivery and they arrived in a well ventilated box with extra bedding for cushion. As for them all being...
  7. Pokemom

    Help ! my babies are dieing...

    Hello I am new to raising chickens and I need some advice. I am recently a new chicken mama. I spent 2 weeks in January looking at every hatchery and finally decided on Hoovers because they had everything that I was looking for. I ordered 17 chicks of varying types (Welsummers, Calico, Rainbow...
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