hoovers hatchery

  1. BrahmasMama02

    Mystery Marans .. Breed? (Hoovers Hatchery)

    Hello, I recently purchased Seven marans from the Maran assortment box at my local Hoovers hatchery dealer. Four of them appear to be black copper marans/ or midnight majesties. One of them having darker feathered feet than the others. The other chicks I’m not so sure (3). They have feathered...
  2. Baylee_baby_

    Duckling Breed

    I'm at a loss with trying to figure out what these ducklings are. They're a gray and off yellow color. Any guesses? They came from TSC assorted ducklings, but TSC gets them from Hoover's hatchery in my area.
  3. chickenchicklady

    Splayed leg?

    Is this splayed leg? I just received my box of chicks in the mail this morning. All of them seem to be doing well, even this little guy, other than his leg and having trouble moving around. He’s quite lively.. the only one who has eaten food yet.
  4. L

    Do all Tractor Supply stores use Hoover's Hatchery?

    In April, my husband went to buy chicks in Tractor Supply. They had Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, CC Broilers, assorted Bantums, Bovan Browns, and assorted pullets. Hoover's Hatchery doesn't seem to sell Ameraucanas, so I assumed they were Americanas/Easter Eggers. He asked for 10 Ameraucanas...
  5. 8dirtybird8

    Hatchery Olive Eggers

    i just want to warm everyone that the sapphire olive eggers sold by Hoover’s hatchery are not true olive eggers. I paid nearly $8 a bird and only one out of three lays olive eggs. One lays brown and one lays blue. They’re really just easter eggers with a fancy name.
  6. sarastamand

    Valentine's Flock - Hoover's Hatchery

    My flock has arrived!! I’ve been waiting patiently (while counting down the days of course!) for the past month looking forward to the best Valentine’s Day ever. I wanted to share my experience with Hoover’s hatchery. This is my second order from them, although the first time I ordered I went...
  7. My First Chicken Coop/Run and How I'm Building a Better, Bigger Coop for New Baby Chick Arrival

    My First Chicken Coop/Run and How I'm Building a Better, Bigger Coop for New Baby Chick Arrival

    I got the chicks before the eggs! This will be my second year of raising chicks. I got five 2 week old chicks from TSC last year on a whim - no supplies yet except the pine flake, feeder, waterer, and feed I got the same day. Put them all in a big cardboard box on the porch (one of them died...
  8. oak_abode

    First Lesson Learned: Chicken People Are Awesome

    Not sure if this is allowed or not, but just wanted to say that my husband & I are brand-stinkin new to chickens (Our Instagram is @oak_abode), and this community is AWESOME. So cool to see people helping each other out in caring for these little feathered souls. Really makes it all seem more...
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