homemade feeder

  1. Home made feeder for no spill food, final design with pictures

    Home made feeder for no spill food, final design with pictures

    This feeder is based on the design proposed by Aart. It uses the same type of 5 gallon bucket with the 4 large opening like his design. I plan to enlarge the width of the opening from 5” to 6.5” (more room for two chickens to eat at the same time at each opening). There are four such...
  2. P

    What are your favorite coop features?

    After building our coop, we decided to build a run. We are planning on homemade waterer and feeders. Our friends have a sand box for their chickens. I was just wondering what are your must haves? What could you live without? Or what would you have done better or differently?
  3. MotherOfChickens

    Show me your no waste feeders

    So, I spent a pretty penny to make a PVC feeder that I can cap off at night to keep the lil mice that live under my neighbor's shed from getting in the feed at night. Problem is, they throw the feed out of it. So like today, I have the feeder closed off until they eat all the feed up off the...
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