homemade feed

  1. I

    Free rein feeding method

    A feeding method designed to accommodate mixed flocks for all seasons and stages of development. Observations will be recorded here as they happen for others to replicate or improve upon with the intention of achieving optimal health and longevity for our birds. Day 1. The experiment begins
  2. S

    Can I get feedback on this homemade feed recipe?

    I know that it is easier to get the proper balance of nutrients using commercial layer pellets, but my husband and I grow most of our own organic table vegetables, and we have been itching to get into mixing our own chicken feed. We have been growing our own chickens (and occasionally ducks)...
  3. S

    Homemade feed advice.

    Hi, we don't normally use any kind of feed for our chicken. Now that I got interested in these things and the first thing I wanted to know was what to feed them. I bought some feed from a person who sells chickens(broiler). I have a few Indian native breeds(mixed), a few Kadaknath chickens, and...
  4. A

    newbie question - 4wk old chick death

    Hey yall! So this is my first batch of chicks I'm raising and we are 4 weeks in, now. SG Dorkings. About a week ago I noticed one of them wasn't growing as fast as the others. They all have chest feathers and tails coming in, and some even have little pants. This little guy still only had wing...
  5. G

    Very Special Feed

    Hello there, I was interested in an animal nutrition consultation, but sadly, no self respecting animal nutrition consultant will take a guy with several dozen ducks on his property seriously. I run a medium sized poultry farm in East Tennessee and I feel less than amazing about feeding them...
  6. msmeg26

    How much feed for 8hens?- Thinking of auto feeder

    Thinking of an auto feeder using the 5 galloon bucket method-- particularly if I go out of town for a week or so, trying to calculate what it would hold in lbs and how much feed on average 8 hens would go thru daily? Initially thought to make my own feed in 100lb portions, but that's proving...
  7. Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    I have often wondered what I would do to feed my flock should circumstances arise which prevented me from purchasing pre-bagged formulated feed from the feed store. Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, other natural disasters, not to mention the world's shaky economy, any one of these scenarios...
  8. Taliasun

    Making your own feed...

    I want to raise broilers and formulate my own feed to do so. I'd like to do it without soy or corn (haha, right?). I am looking at Black Soldier Fly Larvae and alternative grains like amaranth and sorghum. I'm going to be doing in in Hawaii so other possible feedstuffs would be coconut, papaya...
  9. Cklass90

    Feed alternative to lentils

    So I'm following a recipe I found online but I've tried split peas and lentils and my chickens won't eat either of them. What could I replace them with? The recipe is something like this (I have it written down exactly outside but not fully in my head yet) 5 cups wheat, 5 cups steel cut oats, 5...
  10. Hope Hughes

    Homemade Chicken & Duck feed?

    So we are trying to determine if homemade feed would be cheaper/better for our birds. Has anyone ever made their own chicken or duck food? If anyone has any luck with it please post would love to learn. If you have recipes or advice I am open to all aspects of it! Our birds free range all...
  11. HuskerHens18

    Homemade Feed vs Layena

    We all know chicken feed is expensive, especially when one bag doesn't last three days. There is a guy here in my hometown who makes his own broiler and layer feed to sell, I overheard people talking about how much they liked it. I approached the guy, asking about his feed. He was honest, he...
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