hen pecking

  1. E

    Hen pecking baby chick

    I'm sorry English is not my first language and I use Google translate for this Hi everyone, so my hen just hatched her first 3 chicks 2 weeks ago. The two looked fine, but one looked very weak and its left eye was not open. then I separated it from the others and tried to take care of it...
  2. ChickenMamaSarah

    Hen pecking newly hatched chicks. Normal?

    My hen is pecking her newly hatched chicks. So much that they’re moving away from or back under her. Is this normal?
  3. Corinna Morse

    Sussex won't come in coop due to bullying

    I introduced two new birds (5 -6 months old to our flock of 3 (7months old) . The Black Australorp has successfully integrated after 1.5 weeks, but the speckled Sussex who is slightly smaller is definitely receiving the brunt of the pecking and abuse. She literally will sit on the outdoor perch...
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