hen 1 year old

  1. E

    Help diagnosing chicken eye infection

    Hi everyone — any help at all you can provide about our hen’s eye infection we observed yesterday would be really welcome. There aren’t any avian vets near us and we don’t have experience with this kind of infection. She seems to be walking around and eating fine and her other eye looks normal.
  2. sophielophiemophiepophie

    very lethargic hen with a yellow clouded eye and yellow/liquidy poop

    we have a year and a half old hen who has a yellow clouded eye that irritates her. It started the day before yesterday and her other eye is very dilated like shes in pain. She hasn’t been moving much — shes very lethargic and picking at food and sleeping most of the day. We’ve been giving her...
  3. S

    How to get my girl to start laying again

    Quick question. My girl just turned a year old and has had her first molt like maybe 1 or 2 months ago. It's somewhat chili still but after her molt she went right back into laying eggs. However I want to say she's stopped laying for a whole 2 weeks now or just about. I've been feeding...
  4. Layla_Chickens

    My hen is causing a disaster

    I have two separate coops, one is with my goats and the other is plain chickens. I have this hen (she is part silkie and another breed im not familiar with) she has always been really active and never has caused any problems until now. I stared seeing her being in the nesting box ALL day. When...
  5. T

    Established hens being territorial to pullets only in the coop

    Hi everyone I have 4 hens and 5 12 week old pullets that I have been trying to integrate. I built a small box for the pullets to stay in while the older hens got used to them. Today I introduced them to each other and it went relatively well other than a few small squabbles. When it was night...
  6. G

    Possible prolapse?

    Hello! One of my hens (around 1 year old) has what I believe is possibly a prolapse. I’ve tried soaking her in an Epsom salt bath, gently tried pushing it back in and have separated her from the rest of the flock. She doesn’t seem in distress or pain but I imagine it is possibly painful by the...
  7. B

    Hen Has Wry Neck After Predator Attack, Looking For Help/Ideas

    So we've been having raccoon problems where it's been attacking and killing our chickens. (Currently trying to catch the raccoon) The hen is a sapphire gem, about a year old. In the evening of Sunday May 28th I heard concerning squawking and went out to find our hen back in an area they...
  8. C

    Is this hen broody?

    Last night I came to close the door and she was in the nesting box. I took her out and put her on the roost with the rest of them. If I sit her outside she will just stand there and then go back into the nesting box. She also isn’t even a year old yet. Any tips on how to break her from this? Thanks!
  9. celliott24

    Egg bound or sick or something else?

    One of my buff orpingtons is acting weird today. Her tail is down and it seems like she’s shuffling around to walk, not going super far, and laying down every chance she can. When she is laying it seems like she’s trying to squeeze something out so I’m thinking she may be egg bound, however she...
  10. S

    New Hen - Adapting timeline?

    I’m a new backyard chicken owner, I got my first ladies last year. I just got a silkie hen (she’s currently in quarantine) how long until she adjust to her new life? She’s been with me a week now and still exhibiting a lot of nervousness and stress. She is eating/drinking/pooping but she...
  11. HensAndFriends

    Flock Rotation for Eggs

    I have 15 hens (which is my optimal number) A) 10 pullets | 5 months old B) 3 hens | 1 year and 2 months old C) 2 hens | 2 years and 3 months old So I want to rotate out my old hens by selling them, and buy new chicks every spring. I have been trying to figure out a good schedule…. Which...
  12. hannahshatcheryofficial

    CA- Looking for Bearded Silkies! Hens or Roos!

    Hello! I’m looking for white or black bearded silkies over a year old. I’m in Los Angeles, CA but can drive a little while for some good silkies. If you have any that you’d like to sell please let me know in the comments, thank you! :)
  13. chiki1

    Unknown chicken might've brought something into our flock

    Yesterday morning at around 10 I found a chicken that passed away inside our coop. She seemed to be an almost full-grown or full-grown light Brahma chicken, but our full-grown Brahma was right next to me at the time. Later that evening I confirmed that 4 of our baby Brahmas with the same...
  14. Sgalli

    Sick serama?!?! Advice please!!

    Hello all, went to check the birds this morning and my poor little serama slowly walked up to me this morning. She looked cold and pathetic. Shivering. Over all lethargic. She feels a bit lighter than normal. Her comb and wattles are red still. I brought her inside to warm up on the heating...
  15. SmaldenJoveson

    Hen not active; comb floppier than normal; sick?

    My cuckoo maran hen is not feeling her best. Her comb is extra floppy and her feathers are unkempt. She walks around with the flock, but doesn't dig or peck, just watches the other hens intently. When I go to pick her up, she doesn't flap her wings or resist like she usually does. It has only...
  16. NatureGirl74

    Is the bumblefoot healing

    One hen and one roo had bumble foot on both feet. We started with surgery on one foot each. The roos toe healed up completely and the hen's foot was looking really good so we decided to do their other feet. I'm not sure whether or not the hen is healing. Her foot from before started to get a...
  17. T

    Injured hen

    Aloha, i have a hen named Twitter..she is 1. Ive never had a chicken for a pet before. I found her in my garage when she was a baby and the rest is history. Fast forward a year later, I found her laying in the middle of the yard,, completely injured. She cannot walk. She tried to hop on 1 foot...
  18. BuffyOrpha

    3 buff orphingtons hen in need of a new home

    I love my hens, but I have a pain in the behind neighbor, am tired of her complaining that they make too much noise, meanwhile she has 2 dogs that bark all the time. If someone in the new york city area would like 3 beautiful hens... 2 of them are one year old and 1 of them is 6 yrs old... they...
  19. Harun

    How to administer amprolium orally?

    A friend gifted me with 2 new Rhode Island Reds, but as soon as I got them, I realized something was wrong. Their crops feel empty, even when they eat, they aren’t very interested in food, although yesterday at night they were eating like they were starving. Currently, one of them have a...
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