help duck

  1. F

    Soon to hatch ducklings

    So I’ve raised 2 ducklings before and was able to keep them inside during the first few weeks since I know they need to remain warm but now those ducklings are grown and having babies of their own and I’m just confused on how much “intervening” I need to do. We live in So-Cal and it’s fairly...
  2. Tatvin

    Duck suddenly ill, acting drunk

    Our flock of 10 (3 months old) was acting fine until 9 moved off leaving one behind. She just kind of stood there, head kind of swaying. My husband went up to her and she slowly made her way to their pond (the other ducks were digging elsewhere in the yard). She slowly drifted, with her head...
  3. ErinLeTourneau

    Pekin Duck — Molting/Struggling to Walk

    My pekin duck — Willow — has always been bigger than her sister — Sugar — but it’s been getting bad as of recent. Since they started getting bigger, Willow struggles to catch up to Sugar. I bought these two standard pekin ducks back in May from McMurray Hatchery, so they’re seven months old...
  4. K

    ducklings legs

    i have three ducklings. two of them have bowlegged and swollen legs. one can’t hardly walk it had to jump and has laid on its bottom. the feet are starting to close together kinda. i’ve gaven them niacin for about two weeks. any help PLEASE?!
  5. F

    Urgent Question about Hatching Ducklings

    Hi Everyone, My brother is trying to raise ducklings for the first time. He has no prior experience raising anything of a similar nature. He created his own incubator and two of the ducklings appear to be in their external piping phase. The two eggs have the star shaped hole in them (it was...
  6. B

    Help/ Advice with ducks that just randomly showed up

    Hi Everyone, I never would have dreamed I would be posting this! We have a small lake in our back yard which has always been home to wild ducks and geese. About three weeks ago two white ducks which I am assuming are Pekins just waddled up out of nowhere. After sticking around for two days we...
  7. Dfarago

    Injured duck. Please help.

    i noticed there was a red mark on my male’s neck about two weeks ago. Since then it went from a small bit of red to a noticeable mark and doesn’t seem to be getting better. I don’t know what caused the initial injury, however he keeps scratching the spot and not helping the situation. Is there...
  8. D

    Pekin duck with huge sore, how to treat?

    Hey guys! We found one of our male pekin ducks today outside and I noticed this black spot on the back of his body. When my husband picked him up and I was able to pull feathers back, he has a huge sore that's black and can see some infected skin. I don't want the poor guy to suffer, what's the...
  9. FluffTheDuck

    Poop checks! (Poop pics included!)

    The poop checkers I know will decide if their healthy: @casportpony (tag people that you know that are “poop checkers”!) So I have two pekin ducks that will be a year (estimated) March 7. I want to start a thread where every week I will post pics of their poop, and the poop checkers tell me if...
  10. KittyIsQuackers

    Need help with survivor of hawk attack

    My 7 week old duck, Dragon, has been injured by a hawk. Any tips on how to care for an injured duck? Anything to make him more comfortable or happier? He also has a lot of tiny but densely packed fly eggs deep in his feathers, any tips for that? They are stuck tight and I don‘t want to hurt him...
  11. Celiegirl98

    Need advice for my duck

    Hi I have a a duck about 3 weeks old. I started him on chick grit about two days ago and the first day I started him, that night, he fell on his back and started shaking. I thought it might be the grit so I took him off. That was two days ago and he hasn’t been on it since. When I came him from...
  12. AltTipton

    Baby duck just finished completely hatching, but still has part of his umbilical cord

    He just came completely out. He hatched on the narrow end of the egg. I actually didn't think he was gonna hatch at all bc his egg had some major bruising on the outside. When he hatched the inside of his egg was still bloody, not oozing blood, just a light coating, he has blood on him and his...
  13. S

    My male Pekin duck

    My male Pekin duck Donald seems a little weak. He has a soft low quack and his tail and bottom seem a bit down. He keeps just falling to the ground, as if he were exhausted. He gets up quickly but seems down. He eats fine and bathes well but sometimes seems just a little off. Does anyone know...
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