help beak problem

  1. Fangeddeer

    Why do my ducks have peeling bills?

    My ducks beaks are peaking n it’s getting worse it seems. Is this normal? I feed them regular duck pellets but they don’t seem interested in eating much anymore. I blame myself because I ran out of food for a month so I had to feed them stuff like lettuce, carrots, rice, etc so they didn’t...
  2. Sauron1

    Pullet with bleeding beak. What do I do?!?

    Okay, Our 14ish week old buff Orpington somehow made her beak bleed. We think she injured it it in a fight. My camera was out of batteries, so I have a couple grainy pics with her in the corner from my kwebcam on my computer. We dabbed some Antibiotic cream onto the cut. The cut was only oozing...
  3. R

    Help with young chicken with a broken lower beak

    So first of all im from Chile (sorry for the english) and its kinda hard to find a vet that can help birds/chickens over here and the one that i found told me that there nothing i can do and the only thing she can do is euthanasia... But my family and i dont want to do that so im looking for...
  4. E

    Goose attacked by dog

    My goose was attacked by the neighbours dog today and lost about 1.5cm of beak. I have put antiseptic on the beak, and washed it out (it was bleeding quite a lot). The vet that deals with geese is not working right now, or probably for at least a couple of more days. What should I do? Do beaks...
  5. Chickens :)

    Broody hen scratching her beak

    hello everyone. I have a broody hen that has been sitting on her eggs for a week now but I have noticed some strange behaviours. There are two other broody hens that I put eggs under at the same time and they are doing really well. They get off the eggs twice a day and eat and drink, the other...
  6. Sjbuff

    Cut on beak

    when we were setting up the coop last night one of the chicks ran into the chicken wire and scraped the top of her beak. It doesn’t seem to bother her but it did bleed a little. Should I be concerned?
  7. BethyLeigh

    Cracked but still attached beak - any cures?

    Just noticed one of my hens has a cracked beak. She's foraging, eating, laying like normal but it really doesn't look great. Would I be crazy to superglue the top part to give it some more stability? Does this indicate a nutritional problem or was it likely just an accident?
  8. ChickenGirl555

    Blood on pullet’s comb/beak

    I have 7 pullets and 1 cockerel, 6 pullets are 4 months old while the 1 other pullet and cockerel at around 2 or 3 months. I went to lock my chickens up for the night and noticed some blood on the feeder. I looked at my chickens and realized one of my Easter Egger pullets, Robin, had a line of...
  9. Mp_0105

    Help! The skin around my ducks bill is peeling?!

    Hello everyone! I am new to this site and looking for some help. I believe I have a pekin duck, and it's four weeks old now. The area around its bill is starting to peel/scab. I'm not sure why and I don't know what to do. If anyone knows anything that can help, please share your knowledge here...
  10. IslaBean


    I am in desperaate nead of help. I recently found my six month old easter egger pullet with a cracked and bleeding beak. The past week she had been acting very timid of people. I'm not sure if this is at all related to the beak. I think this just happened because I would have had to notice her...
  11. Flora2000

    Weird bump on chicken's beak

    My chicken has had these weird bumps showing up in the past few days can anyone tell me what they are and how to cure them ?
  12. A

    Ducks angel wing

    I recently bought a 4 month ild cayuga duck, when i went to get her i realized she had angel wing. Her owners told me how to fix it so i just brushed it off my shoulder... i took her home and wrapped her for 20 hours at a time 5 times... and i gave her a 4 hour rest.. her wing looks just as bad...
  13. G

    Brown spots in/on ducks beak please help!

    I noticed these spots on my ducks beak has anyone seen anything like this before or know what to do please any advise would be great can't find anything about brown spots, I don't know if the beak rotting but the big one came up couple days ago and the smaller spot appeared last night as wasn't...
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