healthy flock

  1. Pecking Order Basics & Specifics

    Pecking Order Basics & Specifics

    [Photo credit:] We as chicken keepers should want to know everything we can about the creatures we care for. When it comes to chickens and other kinds of poultry, one of the most essential characteristics of all flock behavior is the pecking order. And it is very...
  2. How to Treat Chicken Lice & Preventative Care Tips

    How to Treat Chicken Lice & Preventative Care Tips

    This article will explain the best methods for how to treat chicken lice for beginners. This is my firsthand experience. For starters, poultry or "chicken lice" are specialist parasites and evolve to be very good at feeding on their specific host species—but aren't able to live on other species...
  3. M

    Keeping A Healthy Flock

    Hi! Does anyone have any tips/products or supplements they use to maintain a happy, healthy looking flock? Also, what is a good feed to use, and if you make your own what is your recipe? Thank you in advance!! ☺
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